In the interest of being honest here, I feel like most of my subject matter for the last month has been my stuff: first, my egg cup collection, and then the McCoy collection. Then there are all the gifts I’ve been receiving lately, which have been delightful surprises, of course. I talk about them because I think it’s important to highlight both the giver and the gift in this space; to say thank you, both privately and online.
But I feel uncomfortable. Am I showing off too much? Do you read these posts and think, “Geez, this girl gets a lot of presents. Enough, already!”? (I think I’m breaking a rule or two by using an exclamation point, quotation mark, and a question mark in a row.)
If you had known me for a long time, you’d know I’m pretty self-effacing, an interesting quality in one who was an actress for a big chunk of her life. But actually, I know a lot of actors who are self-effacing – including my husband. I don’t like to show off or be in the spotlight.
So you can see why I worry just a tad about this sort of thing.
But if you came to my cottage, I’d share these things with you. And since I want this blog to be like a visit to the cottage, well…
That being said, will you excuse me if I share two things with you today? Pretty please?
I succumbed to another piece of McCoy. This one is a real gem. I’ve been wanting it for a long time.
Isn’t it lovely? It’s about 6 inches high. Gosh darn it – I love the leaf and berry motif that is on a lot of McCoy Pottery.
From the rear.
I’ve always thought of this vase as the companion piece to one I already had:
They make sense together. Both have the leaves and berries, both are about the same height. They’re petite vases. As I was taking photos yesterday, I ended up setting them on this desk. I think I’ll keep them there.
Then, my sister (that scamp) sent me another package this week. She is a talented knitter, crocheter and weaver, among other things. See what she made for me!
A beautiful table runner. I have it folded in half in this photo because I’m still sick and I wasn’t up to tackling the stacks of mail, etc. that are currently on our kitchen table.
Her work is so lovely, don’t you think? Thank you, dear sister, who always has several projects going, most of which you give away because you are that kind of person.
My greatest delight nowadays? Hearing my little nephew’s voice on the phone. That Little Z! I’m simply crazy about him, as is Don.
I’ve been talking about this on Just Let Me Finish This Page, but for those of you who don’t know about it, tomorrow is Independent Bookstore Day. Many, many bookstores around the country are planning events. Our Independent Bookstores are essential and must be supported in this age of chain stores and online monoliths. So go out tomorrow, stop by your local independent bookstore, buy a book, and thank them for all they do. Thank them for persevering. Thank them for the caring and personal relationship they have with their customers. Thank them for sharing their love of books and reading.
Do it.
Happy Friday.