A few years back, I was working temporarily in California. One day on a visit to an antique shop, I spotted some tiny putz sheep. They were inside a dimly lit display cabinet. I wrote about them and my sister, also a sheep and lamb lover, promptly told me to go back and buy them. I did. Mer got three, I got one.
I fell in love with my little lamb. Lori, a fellow blogger who unfortunately doesn’t blog anymore, left a comment that all sheep should have party hats and directed me to some photos of her little sheep collection – all wearing their festive hats. So I made a hat for mine.
That sweetheart wormed her way into my heart and she eventually became part of my header.
She turned up on my business cards. And on my watermark. The party hat is on my signature.
On one of my visits to Florida, Meredith’s sheep got their very own party hats.
My friend Lori (another Lori!) of Vignettes in San Diego, my favorite antique shop ever, knew I had been eyeing a larger putz sheep that was in the shop and she sneakily and wonderfully had one of her artists decorate it to remind me of my many visits there. She’s wearing a party hat, too.
You get the picture. I love sheep. I love lambs. I especially love putz sheep.
The other day, my friend Judy told me she was sending me a little something that she’d found. The package arrived here in Hartford yesterday.
Oh my! Judy found this little sheep and, as only Judy can, added the wooden spool and the lace and the buttons to create a suitable perch. I’m in love.
I called her to thank her for her delightful gift. She told me she had the sheep in a box, ready to mail, when she had a thought: “I have to add a party hat.” Out it came and Judy worked her magic.
I’m delighted and grateful. Judy has become a great friend and her thoughtfulness never ceases to amaze me. Thank you, dear friend, for adding a touch of sweetness and whimsy to my temporary lodgings.
I added a little something to the top of the hat. (It’s the head of one of my sewing pins.)
My growing collection of putz sheep makes me smile. And each one is unique; decorated by me or by beloved friends. Sigh. I’m smiling.
Happy Wednesday.