Okay, its 10:00 am and I am still in my flannel pajamas reading blogs, playing with my new phone, and generally being lazy. We’ve had a few snow flakes this morning but much to my disappointment, they seem to have stopped. I am ready for a little snow on the ground. Today will be a day of chores: doing laundry, cleaning up around the house, doing some work outside (if it doesn’t rain), organizing.
I’m starting to get in the Christmas spirit. I work part-time in my friend’s store which is fully decorated for Christmas and has been since early November. Christmas music is playing, loads of shoppers are stopping in and it all brings a smile to my face. I love how cheery everyone is at this time of year – even with frightening news about the economy at every turn. My husband and I plan to cut back on our Christmas present spending – just a few little gifts for each other. The real joy for me is the way the house looks, the sound of Christmas carols, and sharing our time with family and friends. I’m looking forward to a little Christmas decorating in the week ahead.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.