A slightly cluttered corner of the den.
We finally went above freezing yesterday and I could hear the drip, drip, drip of snow on the roof all day long. The same goes for the next few days. So our lovely white snow will be melting. I’ll miss the sunlight bouncing off the white snow. The light streaming through our windows has been wonderful. There’s still snow on the ground today. I hope it sticks around a bit longer.
Don is sick and is feeling pretty miserable. He played that gig on Friday night and he was playing near the door to the street, which kept opening and closing while he was standing there – the temps were below zero at that point. The next morning, he felt miserable. It seems he caught a chill which blossomed into a big old cold. Bless his heart, he really doesn’t feel well at all.
The puzzle arrived. It’s a newish Laurence King puzzle – The World of Oscar Wilde. Wilde wrote what I consider the perfect play, and it’s one of my favorites: The Importance of Being Earnest. It looks like it will be fun. King’s puzzles are always beautifully designed.
Okay. I did another video tour – I had to take advantage of the winter light flowing into the the corner of the den where the girls live. It’s often a little dark there, which makes photography problematic. But the light that day was perfectl. It’s up on my YouTube channel, but you can watch it here.
Visit YouTube – my account: claudiathechroniccollector
My Blythe Doll Collection
I also named my channel. (Don’t worry, it will be a modest little channel.) The name? Claudia the Chronic Collector. Might as well get these collections on video while I still have them!
Hope you enjoy it.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.