Yesterday morning, Don said it was time to get out of Dodge. He suggested brunch at the Millbrook Diner in the charming town of Millbrook, NY. It’s across the Hudson River from our little abode and, since it was warmer out and we had a wee bit of spring fever, we decided the drive would be the perfect antidote to the winter blahs.
The Hudson River is completely iced over except for this channel carved out by an icebreaker. Amazing.
I have to say I like the diner’s home fries the best. Ummm-mmmm! But I was so full I had to leave some on my plate.
After our meal, we walked down the street to a couple of our favorite antique shops. These are shops that we used to frequent fairly often when we lived on the same side of the Hudson. I’m glad we’ve rediscovered this little town. The area surrounding it, much like our neck of the woods, has a lot of horse farms, with rolling hills and beautiful older homes.
We found a few treasures yesterday.
I found this souvenir pitcher from the 1939 New York World’s Fair. I think it qualifies as miniature pottery, don’t you? That’s 24 karat gold, by the way. Have to admit, I was thrilled to add something from the World’s Fair to my collection.
I found this 1945 edition of Heidi for $1.00. It’s in great condition, no musty smell at all.
This book plate is just scrumptious. I don’t know if you can read the small print – it says: This bookplate is distributed only to members of the YOUNG FOLKS BOOK CLUB. Sigh. Thank you for this well loved edition of Heidi, Philip Lord Flint.
It has beautiful illustrations by William Sharp throughout:
I love it.
Don was the one who spotted this treasure. It was the ukelele that drew him. Since it was in a glass case, we figured it would be too pricey for us. But, it wasn’t. And it was on sale. It’s from the 1930s.
That grass skirt is made out of broomcorn, the material that is used in whisk brooms. I’ve never seen anything like her before. She simply had to come home with us.
She’s in excellent condition. We just love our Ukelele Girl.
The satin ribbon around her hips is gorgeous. Kudos to Don!
It was a nice getaway day. It’s warmer, sunnier, and the ice in the gutters is melting, along with some of the snow.
By the way, there is another round of spammy emails being sent out under my name. These are, I think, coming from the same people who hacked into my email in December. I’ve read before that they store the list and use it a few times. If you look closely, you’ll see it isn’t coming from my email address. As with any email, you should never click on a link without knowing it’s safe. And, of course, I would never send out that kind of email. I don’t think I was hacked again, as I’ve put safeguards on those email accounts, but nevertheless, I’ve changed my passwords. Again.
There you are.
Happy Tuesday.