A quick post today, as I have to take Don to the bus station. We’ve had a lovely time – less than 24 hours – but much, much needed for both of us. I feel much more grounded when we reconnect. So does he. You know, he’s working awfully hard; eight shows a week, up and down several flights of stairs at the theater each day (and I’ve gone up and down them myself – I don’t know if I could do it every day.) Same with the apartment, which is a fourth floor walk-up. Last week, there was an additional rehearsal, so he actually did nine shows. He’s tired. I’m so proud of him. I know that it’s hard work.
I think I’ll go visit him this next time – it’s my turn.
Believe it or not, we’re supposed to get some snow this morning. It will be minor, very minor, but come on! It’s April 10th. This winter weather cannot exit quickly enough. I am ready to start working outside!
We watched Part 1 of the new documentary, The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling, on HBO last night. It’s directed by Judd Apatow and it’s truly excellent. Don knew and worked with Garry, who was a great guy, but fascinatingly complex. We’ll watch Part 2 next time he’s home. I recommend it highly.
Okay my friends. More tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday.