She’s definitely the star of the kitchen. Dare I say – the entire house? Photos are a bit problematic this weekend as it’s dark and rainy. Not the best weekend for those who have traveled to our area for the Labor Day weekend. I think the only day it isn’t going to rain is Monday.
You can see that we moved the chair nearer to the piano so we can see Stella from the living room.
We cooked on Stella last night – but no biscuits yet as we didn’t start dinner until later in the day and then I realized that we didn’t have any eggs. So, the Cloud Biscuits have been scheduled for tonight. Can’t wait!
Cooking on her was fun. Just a basic meal; some stir fry, some rice. Using gas again is so great -adjusting the flame, starting to ‘learn’ Stella, and then madly cleaning up any cooking mess that dared to fall on the chrome. I wonder how long I’ll be this meticulous about it?
I grew up with gas appliances, so did Don, and then it became electric as I rented here and there. I haven’t cooked with gas for years and I much prefer it. We were like little kids last night, playing with our big, big Christmas present.
This is the timer Don bought. I should have taken a better picture – the back of the red portion behind the dial goes to a point, so it looks very mid-century.
I’m absolutely crazy about her.
By the way, I have a little tour of Stella up on Instagram Stories. It will only be there until about 1:00 pm today, so if you’re interested in learning more about her, stop by.
It’s amazing how quickly the weather has changed here. It started last week. Suddenly we’re in cooler mornings and cooler nights. The light is changing. It’s still Summer, but Fall is definitely making itself known. The leaves are already starting to change color on our big old sugar maple. What????
I’m not ready.
I’m sitting here with a shawl on because it’s cold this morning and we refuse, absolutely refuse, to turn on the heat on September 3rd. No way.
Biscuit pictures tomorrow. I’m enjoying my time with my husband (and Stella) before he leaves for a month of rehearsals in NYC. We’ll see each other during that time, of course, but we are relishing time together in our home before the craziness begins.
Happy Sunday.