I took another walk yesterday morning before I had to be at rehearsal – through the park and up to the Capitol steps and back again.
The lovely carousel. I haven’t been there for a couple of years (because I was working here during the winter). This is a new entrance marquis and, I believe, a new gift shop through that doorway on the right. It really is magical and no, I haven’t ridden it yet. It’s only a dollar so I think I can swing it. Maybe during tech week when I have some time?
It’s really beautiful. There were children on the horses, getting ready for their ride on the carousel, but I don’t like to take pictures of children without their parents’ permission. The internet can be a scary place. So I walked around to another window to take this picture. The horses are gorgeous.
This is the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch and it serves as a gateway into the park. It honors the citizens of Hartford who fought in the Civil war and those who died fighting for the Union. George Keller, a Hartford architect, designed it and his ashes, along with his wife’s, are buried in the east tower. Those are the angels, Gabriel and Raphael, on top of the towers. The various statues on the arch represent the residents who left their homes to fight in the war; among them, a freed slave. The carving are scenes from the Civil War.
It’s one of my favorite sites in Hartford.
A run-through (our first) of the play today and then I will head for home. Not quite enough sleep last night as I woke up early for some reason and couldn’t get back to sleep. But I’ll see my sweetie tonight, Stella will arrive tomorrow, my car will get inspected a mere three days before the deadline, and we’ll eat takeout tonight because we currently have no stove!
I’m not sure if I have to head back tomorrow afternoon or Tuesday morning – that will depend on Tuesday’s rehearsal schedule. The propane won’t get hooked up until Tuesday, so any photos you see of Stella will be of her perched in the kitchen, but not quite in place yet. I’ll be back home on the following Saturday because the show moves onstage that day and I don’t have to be there for the first few days of tech. That’s good because it gives me a few more days with my husband before he heads to NYC on September 10th to begin rehearsals for the tour of Margaritaville. And I can finally bake some biscuits in that oven!
Happy Sunday.