We are now fully vaccinated, save for a two week period that will end on April 14th. I have to say that Walgreens does a good job of it, very gentle, efficient, and there are no crowds. Also, everyone in the store was masked and keeping a good social distance. Don went first and then me. We were very happy to have it done but the actual shot was sort of anticlimactic – a tiny prick and it was done. It wasn’t until I had been home for a bit and took a nap (I was tired) that I realized upon waking how enormous this was. After a year – 54 weeks to be exact – we were finally vaccinated. A whole year. And then I thought about the over 500,000 Americans who were not so fortunate, who were taken from us before a vaccine was available. It’s heartbreaking. As I said to Vicki in yesterday’s comments, I am humbled by the enormity of what yesterday means to us and by the incalculable loss of life in the past year – all those who weren’t so fortunate.
We had some sparkling cider on hand and we toasted each other in the evening, stopping to remember all those lost, especially my colleague Terrence McNally and the late, great John Prine.
As of this morning, the only side effect I have is a sore arm. Same with Don.
More egg cups, this time on the folk art shelf in the den: a gentleman egg cup (they were usually sold in a pair and the heads were salt and pepper shakers,) a red transferware cup, a little egg and cherub, a goose egg cup from France (found here in the States,) Humpty Dumpty with a hand painted egg from Prague, two wooden egg cups with salt and pepper egg tops (sent by a reader of the blog,) and a glass egg cup I found a couple of years ago. And my little family of wooden ducks in the foreground. The shelf itself was found in a shop on the other side of the river when we were living in our rental. I really love it.
I just finished Snow by John Banville. Beautifully written. It’s a haunting mystery that takes place in Ireland in the late Fifties. Banville is a Booker Prize winner and I can see why – he’s a poet. I loved the book. Now to decide what to read next.
I have a few other things to share with you and I’ll do that tomorrow.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.