From yesterday morning. Heavens, the foggy, wet mornings of autumn can be hauntingly beautiful.
We did a lot of work at the storage space. We organized everything into two groups: keep and discard. And then we re-packed the space with the “keep” items in the back and the “discards” in the front, so that when Don gets a hold of a truck, he can load it easily and quickly and then we can either rent a smaller space and save some money, or, having cleaned out the shed, move everything back there.
It took about two hours. Then we drove home, showered, ate lunch and Don did some phone banking for Biden for a few hours. A couple of hours later, when text banking started, I put in about 3 hours doing that. We were quite tuckered out at the end of the day.
Today, my intention is to stay peaceful. That’s how I feel at the moment and that’s how I want to stay. I need it. I read my book for a couple of hours this morning and am going to read some more after I finish this post.
It’s a beautiful day and it might be the last warmish day we have for a long time. So I’m going to walk around the property, noting the changes, taking some pictures, enjoying the sunshine.
I’m waiting for a few items that need to arrive before I can do any more work on the dollhouse. I can, however, clean up my workspace and that’s on my agenda for sure.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.