The late summer wildflowers are everywhere; asters, goldenrod, Queen Anne’s Lace (more than I’ve ever seen before.) Most of them pop up down near our culvert which is right next to the street. They grow with abandon. I was down there yesterday taking some photos and I saw these guys:
Two garden spiders, also known as orb weavers. I’ve never seen two occupying the same web before. That in itself was fascinating. As you know, I love these spiders. Usually. they’re down near the culvert, but last year one of them had a web that stretched between the coneflowers right next to the porch. I always see one somewhere. And I’m strangely cheered by their appearance on the property.
I finally tackled a job I had on the schedule in my planner all week long. Somehow something else always came up to keep me from completing the task and I would write it in for the next day. And the next. Finally, I got to it yesterday. I cleaned out the closet in the office, clearing a couple of shelves for miniature supplies. I filled a big old trash bag with ‘stuff.’ I don’t mean to imply that everything I need or use in my miniature work is in one place. It isn’t. There’s stuff on the desk and work table, there are miniatures in the French cupboard, supplies in the drawers and cabinets, and on my rolling cart. But the stuff that was spread out all over the closet is now in one place. Everything looks better, and I can access it.
The office can move from neat to cluttered in a second. Both of us have desks there. Don’s guitars and equipment are there. There’s a big overstuffed chair and plants. I have a cupboard full of treasures. And we stash extra items like paper towels and toilet paper up there. We’re now used to this new normal and we’ve figured out how to shop safely, so we have less need of boxes of staples, thank goodness. Less clutter makes me happy.
Storage is always at a premium here.
I finished Hamnet this morning. Stunningly powerful, moving beyond words. Don is going to read it next. For the rest of the day, I’ll hold it close to me. I have to do that before I can start another book. I need to think about it, let it simmer. I recommend it highly.
Oh, and the crazy Qanon-type trolls have appeared. I had a comment this morning (in Spanish) full of crazy conspiracy theories. It was deleted and the troll was blocked.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.