A very cool and foggy morning today. I’m wearing my shawl. If you didn’t know better, you’d think it was autumn. But it’s going up to nearly 80 today, so it’s still summer. I’m not quite ready for fall yet, though I am definitely enjoying this cool morning.
Ah, the sun just came out.
Friends, there is not much that is new around here. I did a lot of laundry yesterday, took it easy (sinus crap, ongoing) took part in a mini bidding war (on a mini) on eBay, read some more of Hamnet, began watching Knives Out on Amazon Prime until we both looked at each other and said “This isn’t very good.” (I know some of you really liked it. As always, that’s just our opinion.) As Don said, “It needed to be directed by Wes Anderson.” Then we watched a couple of episodes of Frasier because ending the day with laughter is the best medicine.
I have to make a quick run to the post office today; Barbara, your package finally arrived. I think I’m going to start in on an organizing project. My minis are all over the place and I’d like to centralize the pieces that I’m not working with on one shelf in the closet. I know there are boxes in the closet and I have no idea where they are. It doesn’t help that the closet is currently blocked by boxes of canned goods and toilet paper – we call it our pantry extension.
Then I have to figure out the window situation in the dollhouse; once I have a handle on that, I can start in on the floors and wallpaper. The windows are what I least want to tackle, but I have no choice as I can’t do anything else until they’re done.
But I’m still feeling under the weather, so all these plans may or may not happen today. We’ll see.
Tonight, the Democratic Convention.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.