A package arrived from reader Kathy in Iowa. In it were two of these wonderful masks. We love them, Kathy. Don wore his today; he had to make a quick run to the store for yogurt. Thank you so much!
We both woke up way too early this morning. I have to fight that tendency toward irritability that comes when I’m way too tired. I’m going to mow this morning – the front lawn needs it. Plus, I’ll have an activity which always seems to help when I have had too little sleep. So I’m writing this post a bit earlier than usual so I can head outside after we have our second cup of coffee.
Also, we have a heat advisory posted from noon until 8 this evening. Heat indexes going up to 100 degrees. Best that I mow early. I can’t pick a better day as it’s going to be this way all week long.
I read an article yesterday that puts my stresses with lockdown in perspective. It’s written by Danny Burstein, who is a multiple Tony nominee for his work on Broadway. He is married to another Tony nominee, Rebecca Luker. They are enormously talented. I have worked with both of them (on the same show) and two more down-to-earth and kind people you could never hope to meet. Rebecca was diagnosed with ALS earlier this year. Both she and Danny had COVID-19. Danny’s experience with COVID was frightening and he is still suffering from lingering effects and complications. Rebecca’s condition has quickly progressed and Danny has had to be her caregiver, even while trying to recover from COVID.
I read it aloud to Don (who has worked with Danny) and both of us are heartsick that these two wonderful people have had to suffer through all of this. I urge you to read Danny’s story. He speaks movingly about Becca and her illness and his fears and being out of work (he was in Moulin Rouge when Broadway shut down) and worrying about the state of theater and whether he will get any work in the future. Something that we worry about every day. Here’s the link.
My prayers are with them today and every day.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.