A quick post this morning. When it rains, it pours; this morning Don heard a grinding sound coming from his brakes, so we have to take it in. It’s most likely the rotors. Tomorrow, I have to pay for new tires. And, in a couple of weeks, for a 30,000 mile check-up.
I’m also dealing with some potential weather problems this week – a week in which I have to make it to Hartford, either Thursday or Friday, for a run-through. Tomorrow night we are supposed to get 3- 5 inches of snow which will turn to – you guessed it – ice on Thursday morning. There’s no way I’ll get out of here for a run-through on Thursday. So we have to hope we can clear all the snow and ice out by Friday so I can get to Hartford then.
I briefly considered going there today, but I don’t want to drive there without my new tires on the car and that won’t happen until tomorrow.
And I have to have dental work done in the not-too-distant future.
Suddenly, I’m feeling overwhelmed.
I want to leave you with this quote from Transcription by Kate Atkinson, which takes place (partly) in wartime London – I read it this morning and marked it to share with you:
“The future was coming nearer, one relentless goose step after the next. Juliet could still remember when Hitler had seemed like a harmless clown. No one was amused now. (“The clowns are the dangerous ones,” Perry said.)”
Sound familiar?
This isn’t the cheeriest post, is it? Ah well. Life happens.
Leanne, if you read this, I need your phone number for Barbara – she can’t ship from Canada to the United States without a phone number for customs. I sent you an email last week and haven’t heard from you.
Happy Tuesday.