Puzzle progress (taken on a cloudy day, soon to be rainy.)
We spent the evening watching the news once again. We’ll take a break from that tonight because neither of us sleep well afterwards. But we wanted to know just what was happening. And now we do.
Not that I have to explain myself, but I will. At this point in time, after 5 years of daily lies, misdeeds, making money off the presidency, grifting, cheating, applauding the actions of dictators and fascists, defending white nationalists, locking up children in cages at the border, separating families, most of whom will never find their children again, calling Mexicans names, taking money and benefits away from the poor and middle class and giving them to the wealthy, eliminating anyone from his cabinet and staff with the integrity to challenge him, eliminating agencies – among them the one that was sorely needed during this virus, lying about everything including his failure to do anything about the coronavirus until it was too late, denigrating women, giving cabinet posts to those who are unqualified, the Central Park Five, accusing President Obama of being born in Kenya, calling people names, inciting violence repeatedly, taking our country to the lowest point possible with his actions, discriminating against blacks when he and his father owned apartments in NYC, defending his buddy Jeffrey Epstein, spewing bile each and every day on Twitter….I could go on and on, this is just off the top of my head…
At this point, after all we know, after all we knew in the beginning of this endless assault on everything we hold dear, including the Constitution, after the complicity of the GOP: if someone is defending this administration and the actions of this vile and despicable racist, abuser of women who has been accused of rape at least three times, malignant narcissist, serial liar and carnival barker who has failed at everything in his life – my response is ‘Goodbye.’ If someone is repeating blurbs and phrases from Fox News or Rush Limbaugh or information from questionable web sites without doing a modicum of research, goodbye. I have no patience or tolerance for any of it anymore.
Yes, we should love our fellow man. But that doesn’t mean I have to hang out with everyone, especially those who espouse beliefs that I find abhorrent.
I say all of this because I had to ask someone to leave the blog yesterday because of a comment that was made. I had to deal with a lot of that in 2016 and I tried to be tolerant until I could no longer do so. The things some people were posting made my skin crawl. They were eventually blocked. I thought that was over, but it seems it is not.
This blog is my home. I’ve worked over 12 years to create it, to nurture it – every day. I would not invite someone into my cottage who had those views. This cottage is a place of peace. And my ‘home’ here on the Internet is, too.
I am not perfect, but I do know what is right and wrong. I was raised by parents who taught me well.
If it’s morally wrong, I don’t want it here. And yes, that decision is made by me, based on my deeply rooted beliefs. It’s my blog.
I apologize that I’m posting a bit late today. Don had to make a run to the store so I had to disinfect everything.
If only I could disinfect the White House as easily.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.