Nothing new. We’re both sick. Tomorrow will mark 3 weeks for me, and 2 weeks for Don. Whatever this is, it’s completely debilitating. I can’t remember feeling this crappy for this long. And – in my case – it also attacked my intestines early on. So there’s that. I think the antibiotic has helped – today was my last dose as it’s one of those 5-day long prescriptions, which makes it extra intense. I’m taking probiotics to counterbalance the side effects.
I’m feeling better by bits. This has left both of us feeling exhausted much of the time.
It’s hard to stay positive.
I’ve heard from a few people that they had much the same kind of thing and it lasted at least 3 weeks, if not more.
Our driveway is snow-covered as neither of us has the energy to shovel.
Don says he feels worse today. That’s the way this thing is, you feel like you might be turning a corner and then pow! You’re back where you started. I’m drinking tons of water and keeping hydrated, as is Don.
Anyway, there’s your update. I’m losing ad income because I’m not posting, but what can you do?
In spite of everything, Don managed to surprise me on Valentine’s Day:
He snuck them upstairs the day before V-Day (into the office) and I had no idea they were there. In fact, I had no idea it was Valentine’s Day. Aren’t they lovely?
Bless him.
This whole thing feels like we’ve been sent to some remote outpost where we have no idea what day it is or when we’ll feel better!
Tomorrow marks my 11th blogiversary. How can that be?
Happy Saturday.