Well, I felt like my back was getting better yesterday afternoon, but today is not so good. So far. I’ve had to cancel my oil change twice now. The only chair which seems to have enough support for me is my blogging chair, so there I sit. I made the mistake of sitting next to Don on our many-years-old sofa in the den last night and I’m paying for it. Its saggy cushions don’t offer enough support.
And it rained all day long yesterday. It’s going to start raining again around noon today and will rain the rest of the day.
The area behind the kitchen is like a small pond. The ground can only absorb so much water and we have had more rain here than I can ever remember us having. Maybe three days of full sun this entire spring? The rest have been a mass of gray skies and rain. It’s also colder than normal – last night’s low was 39 degrees.
Don and I want to scream, but we’ve refrained so far.
I’ve got nothing else to share but this photo of our door knocker. I quite love it. We’ve had it for years. But you’ll notice it isn’t on the door; rather, it’s on one of the porch posts.
And I don’t know if anyone has ever used it.
We don’t have a working doorbell either.
We hear the sound of a car coming up the driveway and that’s our doorbell.
But I do like the look of the leafy door knocker on the post. It looks welcoming – someone could use it if they wanted to. In fact, I used it the other day, simply to hear the sound of it again.
The agenda for today? Sitting, with occasional standing and walking. Ibuprofen. Reading. Sleeping.
Rest in Peace, Doris Day. I simply loved her, not only for her legacy as a singer and an actress – Pillow Talk remains one of my favorite movies – but also for her love of animals and the foundation she established for them.
Happy Monday.