Like many of you, I am surprised-but-not-surprised that Attorney General Barr shaped his summary of Mueller’s Report to provide cover for That Man. That I am disgusted and disillusioned is not to be denied. But the truth will come out. The Democrat-led House will investigate and their mandate is much broader than Mueller’s was. There are already investigations going on in the SDNY, EDVA, DC, and the NY Attorney General’s Office – and NY will very likely bring down Trump’s business, and indict his children.
I can’t guarantee any of this, of course, but the wheels of justice do work. Except when you have a biased political appointee in the office of Attorney General, of course.
We need to see the entire Mueller Report. If you do anything, demand that of your Representatives and Senators.
Anyway, after my anger and disappointment subsided a bit yesterday, I decided to take a break from the news and Twitter for a few days and climb into my little bubble. I’m locking out the sordidness of the world for some self-care – with the occasional quick check-in.
Today, I’m going to make the drive to Trader Joe’s to buy some flowers. I’m craving them. And I’m going to stop at Michael’s to buy a lighter shade of paint for the stonework on the dollhouse. And then I’m going to read. And listen to music.
Hang in there, my friends.
Happy Monday.