Feeling a mixture of rage, despair, loss of hope, and excitement for our trip today.
How to balance all of that? I have no idea.
No idea.
I’m just going to move forward, take care of the things I need to do today, and stay away from the news.
It’s very clear to me that the people who run our country only care about two things: money and power. They don’t care about women, children, the middle class, the poor, people of color, immigrants, farmers, union members, teachers, nurses, social workers, minimum wage earners, young black men, women (how many times do I have to say it?), lying under oath, sexual assault, health care, birth control, the environment, climate change, global warming, animals, plants, endangered species, water, air – I’ll stop there.
Wealthy White Males? They do care about them.
My parents, may they rest in peace, taught me what was right and wrong. Nothing earth shattering, just basic common decency, with a large helping of the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule.
I see none of that in the current administration and in those who support it. Absolutely none.
Okay. I’ve had my say. If you disagree, I really don’t want to hear from you today. Trust me on that.
My friends, I have much to do before we leave tomorrow night and I’m not going to post tomorrow. It will probably be a few days until you hear from me.
I am heartened by the goodness in all of you. In spite of it all, I know there are far more good people than bad people.
But there are a lot of very bad people.
Happy Saturday.