I’m back home again. When the taxi driver pulled into my driveway and I emerged, I noticed that there had been a small amount of snow mixed with ice – a true ‘wintry mix’ – which was going to have to be dealt with. So, I dropped my stuff inside the house and went outside to salt everything. My back was sore already from a combination of hauling things up the endless stairs in the apartment building and adjusting to another bed, and carrying the salt bucket around was the final straw.
So, when I could land in my chair, I took it easy the rest of the day. Much better this morning.
It’s very cold here and will be for the next week.
Sigh. I miss my husband. Speaking of which,
This was taken yesterday at rehearsal. It was World Play Your Ukulele Day. I snagged this from his Instagram account. Isn’t he adorable? Heart is melting.
I now have books stacked up and holding everywhere in the den – all of them classified as “To Be Read.” But the truth is that it’s been hard for me to read anything other than a newspaper or magazine lately. It’s been a while since I read a novel. I go through these periods every once in a while. I want to read, but I can’t do it.
Don and I had a long talk about the world and the stress of watching and reading the news every day, especially with this hideous and corrupt administration. He has been urging me to cut back on my news consumption.
I know we’ve talked about this before on the blog, but it’s really hitting me that I am constantly living at a high stress level and that cannot continue. It shows in my moods, emotional ups and downs, the fear that is always there, and it also shows physically – in too much comfort food, i.e., sweets, and weight gain.
I have to find a better way of coping with this. I think it’s harder when I’m not with Don because, as most couples do, we balance each other. When I’m alone, I tend to be too glued to Twitter and the latest headlines and suddenly, I’m enraged again.
So, this weekend, I am going to force myself to start a book. You know me, if I’m not reading a novel, something is off. I’m going to take it easy today, with only a trip to the grocery store, if that. I’m going to set a time limit as to ‘news reading.’ I want to stay informed, but obsessing is another story. And I’m going to start cutting way back on sweets, which is a challenge in the depths of winter.
Wish me luck!
Happy Saturday.