I’m running late this morning! For a couple of hours during the middle of the night, I was awake, so I overslept. Don even came upstairs to check on me!
We are such creatures of routine, Don and me. For the last three days, our silly routine has been changed a bit and it’s throwing us off. I find comfort in a routine, but are we becoming older people who are ‘set in our ways?’ Hmmm.
Soon enough, the whole routine will be thrown off when we set off on our travels. So there’s that.
Today: Finishing up on typing up all our deductions, sending them off to our accountant, doing a bit of mowing (though it’s going to be very hot here for the next 4 or 5 days – in the 90s) and maybe some work on the dollhouse. We’ll see.
I hope you have a lovely day off, my friends.
Happy Monday.