I ended up having ‘one of those days’ yesterday. I couldn’t climb out of my funk. Nothing seemed to go right. I was depressed by the rain and cold and the lack of spring weather. I was more than depressed about Spanky and his corrupt gang of grifters.
Don said he was having the same sort of day. Maybe something was in the air? Something astrological? (I don’t follow astrology, but what the heck.)
It’s still very cold. Too cold to do more work in the garden. And temps are really not going to rise significantly until the last week in April. Insane.
I spent part of the day connecting the new cable box and then trying to replace a perfectly good modem with another one that our cable provider sent. Of course, that means I was on the phone with our cable company for a long time. Turns out that the new modem didn’t have a phone jack and we still have a land line and are not about to get rid of it. So I reverted back to the other modem, which was working perfectly well.
Now I get to go to the local cable office and drop off old modems, new modems and the old cable box. Oy. I miss the days (not that long ago) when someone actually came to the house and hooked everything up. Now we seem to pay even more for cable minus the in-person customer service. I told them so during my extensive phone time with them yesterday.
And then to top it off, while I was buttering my baked potato and getting ready to sprinkle it with pepper, I mistakenly grabbed the cinnamon, which promptly dumped all over the potato. I like cinnamon, but not on a baked potato.
Good times.
Today is a new day.
Attitude readjustment in process.
Happy Wednesday.