This photo really has nothing to do with the post. It’s another photo taken from the train, this time of a power plant along the Hudson. I forgot to include it in previous posts and I like it.
The bizarre weather that we’ve been having ended in equally bizarre and spectacular fashion last night. We had a severe thunderstorm (in February!) that lasted several hours. Thunder, lightning, very high winds, rain pummeling the house – it was really powerful. A largish limb from the catalpa came down…just a foot from my car. A bit too close for comfort.
This morning is partly cloudy, windy and much colder.
I’m doing a bit better. I finally got some sleep last night which helps. I just have to let this virus work its way out of my system and that will take some time, with coughing always being (for me) the last to go.
Oscars? Not sure I’ll last long. This year, with so many other far more pressing concerns, it’s really been off my radar. This is the internal battle I have been fighting ever since the election: in my mind, anything other than what we’re facing borders on the trivial and I don’t have a lot of patience with those things. On the other hand, I well know that we all need an escape, myself included. Pretty pictures are a welcome respite during these troubled times. So are awards shows and old movies and novels and a host of other things that help us keep balance.
And heaven knows, we need some balance right now.
Happy Sunday.