A rainy morning here at the cottage.
Three different times this morning, I’ve tried to take a picture that wasn’t dark and grainy. But no can do. Too dark. If I’m thinking ahead, I try to take pictures the day before. But I didn’t, so you’re stuck with a photo of houseplants. Again.
A short post today because I don’t have a whole lot more to say.
I am heartsick at yet another mass shooting, where innocent people worshipping in a church were gunned down. I don’t want to hear one more politician who takes money from the NRA say anything about ‘prayers.’ Grow a damn spine and stand up to the NRA. Now. At what point did an amendment that concerned owning a musket evolve into the right to own semi-automatic weapons? And when did the right to own a weapon become more important than the lives of our fellow citizens? When did any semblance of a moral compass disappear? I tell you, I have had it. There is an insanity spreading in this country. I won’t have it. I want my country back. Vote tomorrow. Vote.
Happy Monday.