Old and new. This church in downtown Hartford is very, very old. I’ve wandered through the graveyard on the grounds many times. There you’ll find grave stones from the 1600s, each telling a story. But though the church is old, it’s in the midst of a city and its message is in tune with our times, with the issues of the day.
Not to go all preachy on you, but I have to remember this. Because, in the midst of yesterday’s sham of a press conference, the middle of the night vote to begin the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the confirmation sessions, the threat to the press and free speech, the bullying, the man who would be dictator-in-chief – I have to believe that good will prevail.
At the moment, though, I have to be honest with you. I am disheartened and sickened.
But I have to work today. I have to type up notes and email them to the cast because I won’t have time to pass them out. We had a run-through last night, and we’ll be working through the play this afternoon with the first preview this evening. A very busy day.
I love my work. And, today, I am very, very grateful for the distraction.
Meanwhile, my husband is going to a protest this weekend, he’s going to organizational meetings, he’s working hard. We won’t stop fighting.
I didn’t use a different font because, let’s face it, this isn’t about petty politics. This is about the core of who we are as human beings on this earth. That crosses all political lines.
Happy Thursday.