I don’t know what to say.
I am stunned. I am sickened. I am in disbelief.
The country I thought I knew is no more. Make no mistake, there will be no coming back from this. Climate change, the rights of women, the rights of immigrants, freedom of the press, common decency, the Affordable Care Act, our good standing in the world and a whole lot more. Say goodbye to all of that.
Imagine being a recent immigrant to this country. Imagine being a Muslim-American, or any immigrant who is now terrified that he/she will be deported. Imagine being someone who has health insurance for the first time in years. Imagine being a disabled person who has watched his President-elect make fun of the disabled. Imagine being a woman who may lose the Right to Choose. Imagine being a woman who now sees that ‘grabbing p***y’ is no big deal when it comes to choosing a President. Imagine being any citizen who sees that a KKK-endorsed candidate has won the Presidency. Imagine being transgender, or gay. What world have they woken up to this morning?
Those who voted for this monster will have to answer some tough questions in the future, the most important of which is, “What did you do to stop him?”
Everything I was raised to believe is the right and moral and loving way to both live my life and treat my fellow man has been repudiated with this election. Thank God my father isn’t alive to see this. Or my mother.
Friends, you are welcome to share your thoughts here today. Maybe it will be cathartic for you.
I wish I could be more articulate but I’m in mourning, you see. In mourning for a country that is no more. For a country I could believe in. I’ll still fight, I will go on. But right now? I feel like a stranger in a strange land.
To all of my readers who live in Canada and Mexico and Europe and Australia and France and in other parts of the Globe: I’m so sorry. I don’t understand this. I don’t understand a country that elects someone who espouses hate and exclusion and bigotry and sexism and racism and xenophobia and fear. I don’t know that country. I don’t want to know that country. I know that this election impacts the world.
All I know is that millions and millions of us are not like that. We denounce everything he stands for. We are reeling on this Wednesday morning.
Eventually, we will move forward and work for those who need us.
Comments are now closed. There’s a lot of negative energy out there and I certainly welcome differences in opinion, but I’d like them to be civil. And they are veering away from civil. This is my little address on the web and you are visiting my home. Wouldn’t tolerate it here at the cottage. Won’t tolerate it here on the blog. Emotions are high. Let’s breathe. xo