As the temperatures started to go well below freezing at night earlier this week, I grabbed a few of the potted impatiens to bring inside. Some might make it through the winter. Others? Time will tell. I figure I have nothing to lose. This little pot is doing rather nicely on the kitchen window sill. I plopped it in Don’s vintage metal Ponderosa Ranch mug.
Even though we said we were not doing anything special for dinner yesterday, Don, while out and about, succumbed to the holiday atmosphere and ended up preparing a yummy vegetarian holiday meal. “Chicken” strips and sauteed green beans and onions, steamed green beans, mashed potatoes and veggie gravy, squash, jellied cranberry slices, salad, and stuffed mushrooms. I didn’t make biscuits – the only thing that was missing – but I’ll make them at Christmas.
And pumpkin pie, but we were too full to have any last night, so we’ll most definitely have some today.
While husband was foraging in the supermarket, I took on a task that I have been threatening to do for months. Sorting and purging in the craft/crap closet in the office. My one regret is that I didn’t get a ‘before’ shot. Believe me when I tell you that every available space on the shelves and on the floor was stacked high with STUFF. It was like those closets in cartoons where opening the door threatens to bring everything crashing to the floor.
In process:
The contents of the closet were everywhere: in the hallway, in the bedroom, to the left of this shot and in front of the desk. Six trash bags were put outside near the shed. At least 4 bags of things to donate are now living in front of the sideboard downstairs.
All of this is going to our storage space today; a big bin packed with things I want to save, an old computer that I don’t know what to do with (yes I know I can donate it, but it’s well and truly fried) and empty plastic storage boxes and wire bins. I cleared so much out of the closet that I don’t even need the storage boxes!
I understand that this doesn’t look all that exciting, but it is to me! Do you see that long box on the top wire shelf? That’s the box holding the parts for the Fairfield dollhouse: sheets of wood, templates, instructions, etc. That has been sitting on the floor in front of my china cabinet for months. Every – and I mean every – time I scooted my desk chair away from the desk, I would hit that darned box. It was making me crazy. It now has a home on that shelf, along with the pieces I’ve already assembled.
On top of it is the wrapping paper used on my birthday presents. The dragonfly design is so pretty that I’m saving it.
I also had a minor creative burst. I figured out how to store this vintage lampshade that I got from Christie Repasy’s shop several years ago. It used to be on the floor lamp in the living room, but that lamp bit the dust. I realized I could tie it to the rod. That way it would be up off the floor and the fringe wouldn’t be smashed. Bingo!
Silly, I know, but this has been looming over me for a while, so getting it done is a big deal. I still have to tackle three other closets, but this one might be the only one I get done before I have to start my research and eventually leave for Hartford.
The desktop got a cleaning, as well as my craft worktop.
You most likely can’t see the difference, but I can.
I listened to great singers, past and present, singing the American Songbook on Jonathan Schwartz’s radio show via my Bose/bluetooth speaker and I was a happy camper.
Little Z is doing much, much better. He was, according to Meredith, at about 90% by yesterday afternoon. Bless his heart, that boy went through so much. Best Thanksgiving present there could be – Z’s homecoming. Did I ever tell you I was very ill when I was newly born? I turned blue and had complications that kept me in the hospital. I was born the week before Thanksgiving and I wasn’t released until Thanksgiving Day. For years and years, my father would say the blessing at the Thanksgiving table and would always add a thank you for my homecoming.
Don and I kept thinking about that as Little Z was released in time for Thanksgiving with his family.
Happy Friday.