Early morning light here at the cottage.
Well, not tremendously early, as I slept in this morning. That, my friends, is a rare thing.
Lately, I seem to be fascinated with light – the way it shifts and changes as the day goes on.
One thing you have to say about our cottage: it’s lived in. I rarely stage a photo, though I might move a pile of laundry or do some much needed straightening up, but as a rule, we are an ‘as is’ household. What you see is what you get!
The World Series has moved on to a seventh game. Oh boy. That will be a nail biter. We’re cheering for the Cubs, but both teams have played so well and are so evenly matched, who knows what will happen? As a girl who has lived on both coasts, but is still a Midwesterner at heart, I’m thrilled that both teams are from the heart of the Midwest.
As Don said this morning, with the constant stress of the election (don’t get me started on the latest developments) do we need more stress? I guess we do, because we will be watching the game tonight. I don’t know about you, but I am counting the days until November 8th. Time seems to move so quickly nowadays – Don and I constantly remark on how quickly a week goes by – yet the days leading up to Election Day seem to crawl. Time moving quickly, while simultaneously moving slowly. How can that be?
I went to Michael’s yesterday to get some craft paint.
They were playing Christmas music.
As you well know if you’ve read this blog for any length of time, I have a rule: No Christmas until the second week of December. Of course, when I say that I’m referring to decorating my cottage. I do know the retail world needs to start the Christmas extravaganza earlier than that. But November 1st? Cripes, Thanksgiving isn’t until the 24th!
And it was the Jackson 5 singing Santa Claus is Coming to Town.
That is why I stay out of big chain stores as much as possible. For my holiday sanity.
It’s going to be 72° here today. Just the other night, the temperature dropped to 29°. My head is spinning! I think it may be a good day to clean the windows – one of my least favorite jobs in the world, second only to cleaning the bathroom. I never seem to be able to do it without streaks. I’ve tried using newspaper and all the other suggestions I see out there. Still streaks.
But, even with streaks, the windows will be clean. Hopefully.
New post up on Just Let Me Finish This Page – Five Short Takes on Five Novels Recently Read.
Happy Wednesday.