Because I can’t have any dairy two hours before and after I take my antibiotic, I have to drink my first cup of coffee black.
It’s not so long ago that I would only drink my coffee black. Now, I shudder to think of it. Right around the time I had my gall bladder trouble, I stopped drinking coffee. For a couple of months, actually. The acidity of coffee wasn’t doing me any favors at the time. The gall bladder was eventually removed and a month or so later, I happily resumed coffee drinking, but this time, I started adding half and half because drinking it black was suddenly too much. Funny, how tastes change. So now I find myself drinking it black for that first cup of the day and I try to stretch that particular cup of coffee out until two hours have passed and I can treat myself to a cup with half and half.
Not to mention the fact that I have to cram some food down my throat when I first get up so that I’m not taking the pill on an empty stomach.
My morning routine is topsy-turvy.
I ventured outside yesterday, sunhat on my head, to water the plants and take some photos and walk Scout around the yard. The garden needs weeding. Desperately. I’ll have to do it very early in the day or very late in the day. Early is tough for this slow waker-upper. I’ll figure it out.
In the meantime, I’m reading, doing crossword puzzles, watching Masterpiece Mystery and wonderful old movies like Ball of Fire with Barbara Stanwyck and Gary Cooper (one of my absolute favorites.)
I have to coach one of my former students who has been cast in an episode of a television show. The character she is playing has a Hungarian accent. So we’re going to Skype this weekend and work through her script. That will be fun (she’s one of my favorite students, though I know I’m not supposed to have favorites.)
I’m off to read some blogs, read about Harper Lee, and read the mystery I will be reviewing here next week. Speaking of reading, today is the last day to leave a comment on my review of Deadly Assets on Just Let Me Finish This Page. I’m giving away a copy, but you absolutely have to leave a comment today to be considered. I’m drawing the winner this evening. Just click here to be taken to the post.
Happy Friday.