I rather like this idea of asking a question of all of you, as I did last week when I asked whether you were a bed maker or a non-bed maker. It’s so interesting to hear everyone’s thoughts on the subject.
This morning the sun shone in the windows in that certain way that shows every speck of dirt, every dog hair, every clump of crumbs on the kitchen floor, every streak in the window glass. Since I have been ‘attending’ to my dollhouse and my blog and my job search, the house has suffered. Oh, I ran the swiffer every couple of days and I vacuumed, but that, my friends, was it.
Worse than all that, the bathroom was more than overdue for a cleaning. For those of you who are newer readers of this blog, I have mentioned before how much I dislike cleaning the bathroom.
For the record: I detest it. It’s a thankless job, involving scrubbing, hair in the drain, long hair (mine) everywhere, spots on the mirror, hard water stains, toilets, and general unpleasantness. For a while there, my husband was cleaning the bathroom. It was his job, a job he volunteered for because I do all the rest of the cleaning and he was sick of hearing me say how much I hated cleaning the bathroom. That lasted a short while, until I had to start reminding him that too much time had elapsed between cleanings. And that sort of thing always escalates to nagging. Then resentment. So I took over again.
Today, I could no longer ignore it. The bathroom is now clean. And that will last for about 3 hours. Or until Don comes home from work tonight and washes his face, somehow managing to splash water everywhere. My sister says her husband does the same thing. What is it with these guys?
The photo above is of my now clean bathroom. (I just discovered that it’s not easy to get a good photo of a bathroom!) So here’s my question: Do you like cleaning the bathroom or do you dislike cleaning the bathroom?
Do tell. And by the way, if you like doing it and you live nearby, come on over any old time.
Also – a quick reminder that Thursday is Reality Shot Thursday. Please join in. As I said last week, I’m happy to keep it going if there is enough interest….but numbers have been dropping each week. I’m starting to think it might have run its course? If you’ve thought of joining in this is the week to do it, as I ponder the future of this little meme.