Just a quick update: I’m home. I’m in a great deal of pain, but I’m home. Yesterday’s surgery was supposed to be at noon but due to unexpectedly long surgeries prior to mine, as well as an emergency that my doctor had to attend to, I didn’t get in the operating room until 2:30. The surgery went well – just 2 laparoscopic (is that a word?) cuts. I was home by 9:00 p.m.
Apparently, gas is pumped into the abdomen during the surgery, so that the doctor can see everything clearly. A nurse told me that some patients complain about pain in their right shoulder afterward. Well, let me tell you, my right shoulder and my side are killing me – the muscle spasms are really painful. If this pain would just go away, I think the abdominal pain would seem like a piece of cake.
Didn’t sleep enough because I couldn’t get comfortable. Don keeps saying, “Just think – your gall bladder’s gone – no more attacks!” I know that fact will hit me later, but right now? I just feel crappy.
Hopefully, you will hear from a less crabby Claudia in a few days.