On my drive to the library yesterday to return a book.
I always take the back way because it’s quite lovely by the river.
Well. It’s been raining for three days, and I am over it. Just when our basement dries out, it starts again. Yesterday was incredibly foggy – dangerously so. I really would rather have snow, though that can also be a pain in the tush. But it’s pretty. Pretty much all of the snow is gone now.
I have to go downstairs in a minute to empty the bucket in the dehumidifier. A daily chore.
I finished a book of short stories by Kate Atkinson (that was the book I was returning to the library) and now I’m reading this week’s chunk of Wolf Hall.
I’ve been thinking of my mom’s Shirley Temple doll – the Canadian version, rather than the version by Ideal. My mom never really liked her and in typical Grandma fashion, even after Mom requested the American doll, Grandma bought the doll in Canada. She’s got to be 90 years old now and she’s made of composition, as dolls in that era were. Part of the composition by the inside corner of one eye is missing. There’s a little hole there. And despite my efforts several years ago, her hair is a mess. Yesterday, I said ‘”Enough!” and I started to research how to curl her mohair wig. There are some good videos out there. I started to gently pick apart the mats in her hair, ordered some narrow sponge rollers and papers and, hopefully, I’ll set her hair this weekend. I have to cover her with a towel when I do that because you don’t want to get composition wet.
She’s lying on one of the suitcases that hold Blythe clothes right next to me here in the den. I have to do a bit more work on the hair mats today. Frankly, she looks better already because her hair is fluffed out. That’s not the look for Shirley Temple, of course, so – fingers crossed – she’ll have some nice banana curls soon. If not? Oh, well.
I’d like to patch that hole in the composition, too. I’m researching it. I don’t care if it looks perfect.
I had 1950s versions of a Shirley Temple doll, but they were much smaller. I’d actually love to have a vintage Ideal Shirley Temple. I’ve always loved them. Shirley was the same age as my mom, who was also a Shirley. I grew up watching her movies with my mom and I’ve always adored her.
I suppose I’m too old at this point, At least, that’s how I feel today.
Mere just recovered from another case of Covid. I swear, I don’t understand people. Her work involves going to the house of whatever patient she is treating. In this case, the mother didn’t tell Mere that she’d just been exposed to Covid. She didn’t think she had it. But she did.
Okay. Have to finish cleaning out our kitchen junk drawer, something I have ignored for several years.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday,