Chautauqua isn’t only charming cottages and a beautiful lake. It is also music, art, theater, dance buildings, studios and practice rooms. It is performance spaces and halls. And it is far more even than that, but this is what I have discovered so far. Soon, when the season opens on Sunday, there will be scores of music, art, theater and dance students. There will be the sounds of music wafting up from practice rooms. There will be lectures and events in the amphitheater and other venues. There will be even more that I have yet to discover.
Music studios. There are also art studios that look much like this, as well as dance studios.
One of the performance venues.
More music buildings.
The famous amphitheater, complete with organ.
That sign reads: The oldest continuous book club in America. Hey fellow readers, these guys have us all beat in terms of longevity.
I had to include this, the sweetest little church I’ve ever seen. Episcopal, by the way.
The rain that has been a part of almost every day I’ve been here, along with big old crackling thunderstorms, has disappeared. Truly lovely weather has taken its place. We have two more long days of rehearsal in the rehearsal room. Sunday will consist of Opening Day festivities. And on Tuesday, we will start teching the show. (I just had a fight with auto correct, which wanted to make ‘teching’ into ‘etching.’)
My roommates arrive today. One is the costume designer and the other is the lighting designer. It will be strange having to suddenly adapt to two others in this apartment. I’m a solitary person, remember? I sort of dread it and look forward to it at the same time. We’ll all be busy, so I expect we won’t be spending a whole lot of time hanging around the apartment. Wish me luck!
Happy Friday.