My little pink pets are multiplying. Now we have two chicks (from Elyse) and a pink Scottie (from Meri.) Do you think they’re happy? They seem to be.
You realize, don’t you, that I am actually providing a close-up view of my amateurish attempts at embroidery? What am I thinking?
Square #2. A curtained window with a glimpse of spring – can you tell where my thoughts are? I’m making a discovery with each square – this one taught me that I should outline the square first, as I did in square #1. Lesson learned. I notice the window panes are a tad crooked, just like the ones here at MHC.
I’m off to start my research on the Shakespeare being done this summer at the Rep. The dollhouse has been cleared from the table temporarily. In its place: scripts and lots of books. I’ve made a deal with myself – I can do some fun things if I work on the texts in the morning. We’ll see how this works out.
(Pink flower watercolor from Helene)