Don and I had one of those conversations that happen when you wake in the early morning hours and chat a bit before going back to sleep. It was about music. Remember that song? What were the lyrics? Who sang it? – followed by both of us singing snatches of the song.
Do you know I used to be a singer? I was. I started out in school choir, church choir, vocal ensemble, then went on to perform in musical theater for years and I sang at weddings, too. Yes, I got paid to sing. Music has always been an important part of my life.
When I went on to graduate school to study acting, I moved into classical theater. I didn’t sing as much. Then I started teaching and coaching and, well …. not much singing anymore. The last time I sang in public was at my niece’s wedding. Since she has a 15 year old daughter, you can see just how long it’s been.
But I still sing. Like most people, I sing in the car, I sing around the house, I sing to the dogs, I sing with Don.
Sometimes I play the piano and sing,
I realized this morning that I haven’t sung very much lately. Life has been tough. I haven’t felt there was much to be joyous about. When I feel like that, I pull back, move inward and set up protective walls around myself. I imagine that’s a normal human reaction.
And, apparently, I don’t sing.
That’s not a good thing.
Act ‘as if.’ Whenever I feel down or am scared of trying something new or am unhappy, I try to use these words. Act as if. Act as if I’m joyous. Act as if I’ve got tons of money in the bank. Act as if I’m a published writer. Act as if I have no fear. Act as if I haven’t a care in the world. Act as if all is well.
Soon I start believing it. And then it starts to manifest.
That’s what singing anyway is about. If you sing, even if it’s only in the shower, you can’t help but feel lighter and happier. Your mood changes. It’s transformative.
So I’m going to remind myself to do just that. To sing anyway.
I hope, whatever the trials and tribulations in your lives, you find a moment to ‘sing anyway,’ too.