Thanks for the wonderful comments yesterday. I don’t expect you to comment on every egg cup post, but I sure appreciate it when you do. I have a list of things to do today that is a mile long, as I’m headed into the city tomorrow – and most likely every day next week. These will be long, long days and I’m gearing myself up for all of it.
I may not post some days. It will depend on how much turn-around time I have. I’ll know more, of course, when I see how rehearsal days are set up.
It’s sunny here today, but it’s damn windy. I’m tired of all the wind. But hey, at least i get to hear the wind chimes….
Today in our egg cup tour:
The group of egg cups that it took me 17 years to gather – The vintage Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs gang. 17 years! That might be the most patient I’ve ever been, for anything – except finding Don, of course. A bit of back story for you; they were made in the late thirties, early forties. For years and years, when they appeared, they went for a lot of money. A lot. It was not unusual to find one cup going for several – and I mean several – hundred dollars or even a thousand plus dollars. My friend Nels, who has one of the biggest egg cup collections that I’ve ever seen, purchased all of his via auctions, antique shops, etc., before there was eBay. Once eBay entered the picture, the prices slowly went down. Still – they rarely came up for auction. I’m pretty sure that Doc was the first one I found, and then Dopey and Bashful. And it stayed that way for several years. Just three.
Gradually, I accumulated a few more, one at a time over the course of several years. One day, I decided to post about my collection on the egg cup collectors Facebook page – maybe someone out there had some? Sure enough, a woman in Canada contacted me to say she had a few that I didn’t have. We negotiated a price, and I got three more – Sneezy, Happy, and Snow White. (She lived in Orillia, Ontario, by the way, the same town my grandmother was from.) I eventually purchased another Snow White because her face paint was better- so now I have two Snow Whites.
The very last one I found was Sleepy. Sleepy, for some reason, was made with two different cup designs. One was the exact same cup and dwarf as Sneezy, the only difference being the word Sleepy on the cup. I wish I knew the story of that one! But the one I wanted was the correct Disney dwarf and I eventually found him, after years of searching.
They were all under $100.00 – most of them in the thirty dollar range.
Doc was my first. Sleepy was my last.
Heavens to Betsy, I love them. If I’d found them as a complete set, that would have been nice but not as satisfying. And frankly, it would have been too expensive for me. It was the quest, the constant search, over the course of 17 years that makes them so meaningful. They sit in the first two rows of cubbies on the left, which is where my eye always lands on anything – left to right, top to bottom. They’ve earned that position.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.