In between running errands and attending a rehearsal, I stopped by Vignettes for their Valentine’s Day party. Vignette’s is a fabulous store in Ocean Beach that I have been going to for several years. In the years since we left San Diego, Vignettes has expanded and is more wonderful than ever. Very Shabby Chic, with a strong French influence – it is a feast for the eyes. I thought I’d share some photos with you of the wonderful displays. This sign was over the doorway as I entered the store.

The hosts were gracious, the store was packed, I met a fellow blogger, ate scrumptious treats, and then I dashed off to rehearsal. I was so far from my loved ones on Valentine’s Day and the fun and fellowship at Vignettes sure helped brighten my day.
No, the Skype didn’t work. We have a few things to iron out. I finally got my end to work, so Don saw me, but I didn’t see him. My sweet husband had signs made up and the dogs ready to go for our Valentine’s Day get together. We will just have to try it later this week.
More later.