Hello everyone! Today I have the pleasure of sharing with you the wonderful treats Meri sent me as part of Dolly’s swap. To see what I sent her you can go to Meri’s blog, ImagiMeri’s Creations and/or you can also visit this post on my blog.
I want to thank Dolly for hosting this fun swap. I loved the chance to get to know Meri. We have a lot in common. I swooned when I opened my package and saw this:
I don’t know if you can tell but the red surface is velveteen and so beautiful. Look how Meri decorated it!
Meri made this gorgeous card. She said I could give it to someone…but I’m keeping it for myself! Selfish, maybe, but it is so lovely! Meri knows I love trims, lace, aqua, pink, red and you can see she really found the perfect things for me. I’m going to have such fun with all of this. Thank you, Meri!
Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone and especially to my dear husband, the love of my life.