It’s already snowing here. Very lightly. The heaviest snowfall is supposed to come tonight as it increases to a couple of inches an hour. I haven’t checked the forecast yet today but as of last night, we were due for 10 -16 inches. I’ve decided that I can either worry about the whole thing or sit back, enjoy the day, make sure Scout has a path shoveled to the corral and then, when it’s all over, shovel a bit at a time. I’m going with the second option.
I don’t have to be anywhere. I have enough food. I have lots of projects to work on.
It is what it is.
So, I’m sipping coffee in my blogging chair, waking up slowly. Scout is having some sort of dream as she sleeps on the sofa. My dad has already called 3 7 times this morning. They’ve given him new medication. He’s groggy but sounds better than he did at this time yesterday morning. I’m not sure when he’ll be able to go home, but it doesn’t look as if it will be today. He’s on an IV for pain, is getting oxygen and is taking blood thinners. Meredith and her husband are flying up to see their son Dave at Ohio State this weekend, so I will be checking in on Dad frequently.
Schools are closed. There’s very little traffic outside on our normally busy road. I hope that means that everyone is heeding the warning to stay home and stay off the roads.
By the way, I subscribe to my own blog to check on potential Feedburner issues – I didn’t get my email delivery today. Is anyone else having trouble with this?
I hope your Friday is less eventful than ours promises to be!