Good morning. Still very, very cold here! It is supposed to get warmer today but Friday and Saturday have nighttime lows in the single digits. We aren’t getting any snow, but we are definitely feeling winter’s frigid temperatures.
It takes a long time for the house to warm up when it’s like this. Both of us are walking around in more than a few layers of clothing!
Don has a self-tape audition this morning. It’s just a routine thing, so don’t get excited. But it’s the first audition since before the holidays, so it’s encouraging. Anyway, right after I finish this post, we’re going to set everything up.
The puzzle is ongoing. It’s taking me longer than I expected but I just popped in a few more pieces while I was waiting for the second cup of coffee to finish dripping – or pouring through, to be more accurate. Morning seems to be my best time for figuring out the puzzle – fresh eyes? Rested? Who knows!
Other than that, there’s nothing new. January is always a hard month for me. I suspect it’s the same for many. The holidays are over. The decorations have been taken down and stored for another year. It’s bleak outside. Add in the low temps and the constant drip we have to run so the pipes don’t freeze and you have what I’ve often called an “Ice Station Zebra” situation here. I tend to get a bit down. So I have to keep myself busy with tasks and puzzles and projects.
I did notice last night that it’s staying lighter longer – quite a bit longer. That’s a positive, right?
Okay my friends. I’m going to make this brief as Don is setting up in the den and I’m currently occupying it.
I can hear a woodpecker in the distance and, even in this cold, I heard a bird sing this morning.
That makes me smile.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.