I’m not sure if any of you will see this, but my trip is delayed until next Friday. I slipped this morning and tweaked my lower back and I decided that driving for 5 hours is not the best idea. Turns out it worked out perfectly, as the tech rehearsals are running behind and they wouldn’t have been able to run through the play tonight.
Since I’m coaching on the other show on Wednesday and Thursday, I can’t go until Friday, which will allow me to see the last preview before Jane Eyre opens. Better in the long run.
So – there you go.
Thought I’d write a post just in case someone sees it.
Just want to share with you what I did the other day. Blythe dolls have what are called eye chips and there are plenty of people who make them and sell them. Some are wonderful quality, others, not so great. I’ve never been thrilled with Madeleine’s eye chips, so I ordered a few sets. The other day, I followed the procedure to remove them, which involves a glue stick (like you use in glue guns) being held near a candle flame to soften the end – the glue is then placed on the eye where it remains for about 15 minutes. Then you wiggle the glue stick, twist it a bit, and hopefully, the eye chip comes out. This worked beautifully on one eye. The other eye took four tries and when it finally came off, the eyelashes came out along with it. So I had to learn yet another skill. How to glue in eyelashes. Thank goodness for YouTube.
But it worked and I’m happy with the result.
More eye changes soon.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
Oh I hope your back is better soon. Mine goes out so easily these days also. Love the new eyes and you are getting so good at these changes you’re making on the girls!!
Thank you, Linda!
It’s getting better and I’m using my trusty heating pad.
Stay safe.
Well, I definitely have seen your post; I don’t read you via email; I just by default pull you up every day as part of my day and I’m so sorry to hear that you slipped and had a fall; your poor back! You could never have driven that long trip with a bad back; would have been excruciating (I remember when kathy from Iowa had to do that; felt so badly for her); clearly you made the right decisions and now you don’t have to be traveling on the busy holiday weekend-end and you can also avoid driving in the rain. So, that part of things is a big relief. Hang in there, Claudia.
The mechanics of these dolls seems complicated to me, but it makes sense it intrigues you because you’re a ‘builder’/creator ala the doll houses. It’s just becoming clear to me that Blythes are a good choice for Claudia, because you can customize them and put your own ‘spin’ on them. Madeleine’s green eyes are gorgeous!
So, we were already 93 degrees (f) at 9am and it’s supposed to be hotter in my part of SoCalif today than yesterday’s 106 degrees; have no idea what we’re in for as the day marches on. If it wasn’t the crazy-busy-packed holiday weekend, and even if the roads weren’t so full and the beaches so warm, I’d head the few miles to the shore; but, nope, NOT. We have to stay put. I was uncomfortable yesterday in the house, trying to comply with the power company’s request to save the electrical grid from going down entirely. But I’m about to run the dishwasher and then we’ll just stay quiet, readying for the dreaded 4pm-hour when we try not to have anything turned on (and the thermostat ‘way up). It’s stressful, yet I know how lucky I am to have a/c, the shelter of a home; and, yes, even a dishwasher. We don’t have a usable icemaker in our fridge-freezer but we do have a dandy little tabletop electric icemaker, so we are making ice cubes yesterday and today; figure we might need them for something more than just a cool drink. I figure the little icemaker/small appliance doesn’t pull THAT much electricity in the non-peak hours; hope so. I tried to protect my potted geraniums out back (seven big pots; too heavy to move from their location and frankly nowhere else to put them anyway), hand-watering conscientiously, every night after dark) but I think they’re hopelessly fried in this kind of heat. Of course beyond conserving electricity, we’re also trying to conserve water (Southern Calif is a MESS; don’t anybody ever move here!!), so we’ve had to abandon the front lawn (even though it’s third of the size it once was; grass/lawn is a water-hogger here, so we’d taken a lot of it out, about eight years ago) and instead water the roses and our newly-planted agapanthus. I don’t know when I’ve ever prayed harder for rain.
Claudia, again, I’m relieved you can stay home the next few days and rest that back. Did you slip outside or inside? It’s easy to do yet often so hard from which to recover fast enough. Take care; take it easy; best to you and Don.
We’re feeling pretty worried as it’s already 110 degrees at 11:30am, and it’s to be like this thru Tuesday; remember, I don’t live in the desert, I live at the seacoast, so this is alarming. I don’t see how they can send the kids back to school on Tuesday after the holiday in this kind of extreme Southern Calif heatwave. Think of the pull on the electrical grid with all the air conditioning in restaurants; retail. At least on the weekend, a lot of office buildings are closed. Everybody should just stay home or go to a cooling center. I don’t want to think of how much hotter we’ll get today by afternoon. It was never like this when I was a kid here. This is the changing climate and global warming; the warming planet. Doesn’t sound like there’s any going back. It’s why my husband wants to still move from Calif; your biggest investment, your home/property is worth nothing if you can’t get house-insured for wildfire and there’s no water supply. The head-scratching thing is that we have the big Pacific Ocean right at our door, and WHY more cities won’t develop desalinization plans is beyond me; it’s just that I understand it’s expensive, but what alternatives HAVE we?
A sustained 115 degrees at our house for the past hour and a half. Wow, where we’d removed some damaged window glass to make them single-pane windows instead of double, never a problem before, but sure is a problem now, so we’ll have to do something about it soon (another expense we could do without). I have old heavy drapes in the living room so I’m glad we didn’t take them down yet to pitch for good; even though they’re not lined, I think they’re helping block out some of the ‘warmth’ (dire heat!) emanating from the inadequate single-pane window. Shutting those drapes makes my living room so dark in broad daylight and no way do I want to turn on a table lamp. Oh well. I hope outside pets and wildlife are finding shade, because the ‘air’ otherwise is furnace-worthy.
Yikes! I can’t believe the temps you’re seeing, Vicki! I hope you (and all my friends and family) in SoCal get relief soon. So glad we moved to the Basin and Range–much cooler at 4500 feet. Yes to double-pane windows, heavy drapes, crazy good insulation and lots of shade in the garden. Hang in there, cooler weather has to be just over the horizon.
There are no alternatives. It’s so sad.
It wasn’t like that even relatively recently, when I lived in San Diego. But it’s very different there now.
I’ve never lived through a drought before, either. But here we are. It’s been a painful summer.
I slipped in the bathroom.
I’m so sorry about the heat you’re dealing with, Vicki. This summer has seen off-the-charts weather all over the country. I sure hope thie insane heat doesn’t last much longer.
Stay safe.
Your blog is one of the few I have bookmarked & check/read each day, and although part of my head reminded me you’d be away today, another part of my head said to check anyway. :)
So sorry to hear about your “slip & tweak”. Hoping you mend quickly and without much discomfort. Funny how things seem to work out sometimes.
Hoping these unexpected couple of days at home with Don are relaxing and healing.
Stay safe & well.
I got to be home while it rained yesterday and this morning. It’s such a welcome and rare thing these days. I’m glad I was here to witness it.
Thanks, Amy.
Stay safe.
I hope your back mends quickly. On a positive note it’s good to not have to travel on a holiday weekend.
Madeleine’s green eyes look beautiful and go so well with her hair!
Take care and be well.
Yes, I was dreading driving home on Labor Day – it would have been a pain in the tush.
I’m glad you like Madeleine’s green eyes, Denise.
Stay safe.
Hope your back recovers very quickly and that the coaching appointments go well! Maybe it will be cooler by the end of the week for your drive too!
My back is sore, but overall, it’s not bad.
Stay safe, Ceci.
Prayers dear friend
Better than traveling holiday weekend
Yes, indeed. I wasn’t looking forward to driving home on Labor Day.
Stay safe, Brenda.
Not sure if you will read this. Doug and I took a drive to New Paltz on Saturday to go to the Woodstock-New Paltz Art & Craft Fair. It was a beautiful day and we left home early. No traffic and it was good to be back in my old stomping grounds. From there to Woodstock and then back home via winding roads along the Hudson river to Garrison for lunch with an old friend of ours. Although I moved away nearly 50 years ago, it will always be home to me. We got home late that night and after 8 hours in a little sportscar I had to take Aleve and heating pad and today I am still stiff. So we were in your neck of the woods and it was glorious. All the sunflowers in the fields and …..enough. Just take care of your back and have a safe trip and enjoy the ride.
So glad you had a nice trip to this area, Maria. It sure is lovely. We have friends in Garrison, too!
Stay safe.
sorry that you fell and hurt your back. hope you are feeling better by the minute. i will be praying for you.
sounds like if it ‘had to’ happen, at least the timing was good … but you will have a busier week ahead … hope you can take it easy.
I’m trying to take it easy today, but I didn’t sleep well last night. Sigh.
Anyway, this is my last day to rest before I have all-day coaching on Wed. and Thurs. and then drive to Rochester on Friday.
Stay safe.
Silver linings–tweaked back, hence no holiday traffic. I hope you will be pain free soon.
Like you, my dolls have given me a few new skills as I improve their “health”, lol. Old skills, like crocheting and sewing, have definitely added to the fun. All the ideas on the Web or YouTube are such a resource and an inspiration.
Hurray for rain, monsoons, September mornings, and (I can’t believe I’m saying this) a change of seasons!
I’m with you on the change of seasons, Roxie. Bring it on!
Stay safe.