I just finished reading the last Where Bloggers Create post! Whew! I need a nap.
You all know I am away from home and therefore away from all my creative supplies. So, even though I wanted to, I didn’t sign up for Lisa’s Outside the Box Challenge. Yesterday I said to myself, “Aw go ahead, see what you can come up with.” So I went to Target to buy the particular packaging required – this is a big Target in San Diego – and they didn’t have it! And there was no space on the shelf where it should have been. It simply didn’t exist. Darn it! I really wanted to see what I could come up with.
Then I thought I might join up with the Bloggerette Sorority (Karen’s wonderful idea) – but I can’t do the first assignment because I don’t have a printer here.
Can you tell I need to get back home? I need my stuff.
Last week I grabbed a few hours in the morning and drove up to Christie’s place for the Chateau de Fleurs Marketplace. Christie moved to a new home this year and she andRita have started a monthly marketplace with all sorts of wonderful vendors. My schedule has been so busy here that this was the first time I was able to see either of them. I thought I’d take a couple of posts and share some photos with you. The photo at the top of the post is from one of the booths.
I absolutely went crazy for this. This fabulously creative woman, Lisa Loria, makes wonderful jewelry and also makes these – I believe they are called Bling Babies. She uses vintage lamp bases, a doll’s head and fashions these wonderful jewelry displays. She’s teaching a workshop on them this weekend that I wish I could attend. Isn’t this wonderful? Here’s another:
I must admit, the doll head without the body thing never did it for me. But now….I find myself loving them. What would Don do, I wonder, if I started amassing these? I mean, besides my Shirley Temple doll and my Tressa doll and the-one-that-I-can’t-show-you-yet-but-I-will-when-I-get-home?
I’ll share the rest of the photos in a couple of days. I will miss all the amazingly creative vendors here. Such eye candy everywhere. If I were independently wealthy, here’s what I’d do: I’d fly out once a month, just for a few days, and drink in my fill of all my favorite sales and shops. Then I’d fly back home to my little cottage. Oh, and I’d be so wealthy that I wouldn’t have to worry about the cost of shipping big pieces. So I would buy everything I wanted. Because I was so wealthy, I would have already added an extension onto the cottage so that I had a place to put all this stuff.
Does that sound like a plan?
sounds fun. private jet, of course. we’ll do this after you and don win your first oscars (or tonys, grammys, emmys).
the doll’s head in the birdcage is pretty and strange all at once. steampunk? punk rock?
enjoy the countdown, cutie! and wtg on finishing up WBCII. i’m still “stitching along” LOL
It does, indeed, sound like a plan, Claudia!
What a great shop. Thanks for taking us along with you. Lovely things there.
Maybe they will have a second rush for the Bloggerettes, Claudia. I might do it, too. Think we could be their rushees? I’m not very talented craftwise, so I’d have to really work at something creative. You girls all run circles around me.
I’m tired and getting ready to turn in before midnight. I hope you have a lovely weekend. You are almost home! I’m feeling the relief for you, sweet friend. I know Don, Scout, and Riley will be thrilled to have their girl back!
Sheila :-)
Sounds like an excellent plan!
I can’t wait to see this mystery doll you mentioned– I bet it’s adorable!
I still find doll’s heads and clowns very creepy! I too have no printer…we are in the process of trying to hook up a new one and clearly we are idiots. May never print again. I wish you home soon…hugs.
Oh no nooooooo. Those doll heads are creepy. I couldn’t imagine having one in my house after dark. Creep.Me.Out.
Oh. My. Gosh. I just came in to take a break from making a bigger froufrou umbrella and what do my eyes see, sugar????? A romantic umbrella in San Diego! Yesssssss, this is true. Only problem is I took Love Bunny’s huge golf type umbrella (hey, he doesn’t golf) and he just shook his head, chick. I’m merciless, I tell ya. Anyway, it’ll be done shortly but I love those little flowers in the first shot. Now you’re giving me ideas on things to make! Shame on you! ;-)
That sounds like a great plan, Claudia! Can I do it too? Thanks for sharing this with us, I was just thinking about it this morning when I was on my walk and wondered if I had missed it. Can’t wait for the rest. Have a great weekend!
That sounds like a great plan. Wouldn’t it be nice to have all the money you need when you need it? Wouldn’t it be nice if money flowed into ours lives on a regular basis?
I think it would : )
I enjoyed looking at your photos.
Thank you so much for showing them to us.
I’m so jealous Claudia…sob~sob!!! I want to go to this market so bad someday. Your pictures are the next best thing to being there, so I’ll dry my tears and start saving my money.
I cant believe you went throught the whole list!!!! I am only half way!!! that show does look amazing!!!
Hi Claudia,
I love, love the Bling Babies…I set aside a lamp that went bad a few weeks ago with the thoughts of jewelry but that’s as far as it got until I saw your photos…I know what to do now! I need a baby doll head…LOL Oh, and I love the doll head in the birdcage. I’m not sure who started this craze with the doll heads but its really pretty cool in sort of a dreadfully sweet way..:0)
Hang in there..it won’t be long now and you’ll be home.
The wealthy plan sounds grand to me…I have my plan in place too just in case I hit the lottery..haha….”we must have our dreams, right? What fun!
I’m still visiting studios but I had to take the past two night off due to the eye strain getting to me.
Have a wonderful day,
Perfect plan Claudia!
Beautiful pictures too!
LOVE the bouguet in the first photo, how clever! And.. the birdcage necklaces are really cool too!!
The dolls heads, however… they kinda give me the creeps. Especially the one in the bird cage.
Great marketplace~
wow wee!!! and if i were independently wealthy i would accompany you Claudia…that looks like eye candy deluxe!!!
I do like the bling baby necklace holder. I could use something just like that! I think a class would be lots of fun. So many ideas…so limited time.
The countdown has started…you will be home before you know it. Just click your heels together.
Great plan, Claudia. Sign me up to join you!!! :)
oh my goodness, Claudia, if you become wealthy and do go out once a month on fun buying trips to the west coast, I would like to apply for a Lady In Waiting position, should you find yourself needing one!
What a fantastic idea for birdcages! I’ve put my garden statues into mine, but never thought of doll’s heads!
Hoping you are back with your beloved printer and supplies soon (I know they come waaaaaaay behind Don and Scout and Reiley, but it is so fun to be creative when the mood strikes!)
If I win the millions I would join you on your flea market excursions and buy everything with doll heads too..lol! BTW I believe Lisa is providing soap boxes to those who can’t get a hold of them.
Now this is EYE CANDY!! I love that mannequin the most!
I was going to join the soap box challenge too, just never got around to it!
Don’t forget to save a seat for me on that plane!
I love the doll heads.
Hi Claudia,
And, you can take all your blogging buddies with you on your private airplane!
I would love the experience of seeing such lovely things up close and personal.
What interesting things you have found. I’m not so sure how I feel about the doll heads. They are interesting.
One. More. Week. And you’re home! I know you can’t wait to see one sweet man and two adorable mutts. So gather all your gear, like koala bears, and get your mind moving in that eastern direction in the sky. You’re going HOME!
right claudia….does sound like a plan. i need that plan these days. my husband gets TOTALLY stressed out by all my stuff. he hates it. i can’t help it. i’m a GIRL. why don’t they understand us better…lol
i love your lil vendors photos. very inspiring. so sweet.
you will be home before you know it….back to your stuff!!!
take care…thanks for the eye candy.
I love that bouquet.
I know how you feel-
I have been out of town so much this month, I didn’t get to participate in some fun blog parties.
So I tell myself-
it is what it is.
I love the colors of your blog-
it is so pretty.
White Spray Paint
Wow…there are so so many creative people out there…I adore the first image as well..those flowers are amazing.
Hugs for the rest of your week…you will be happy to be HOME! xoxox
If I ever get lucky enough to amass lots of money, I’ll buy us both plane tickets and fly us out there so that we can go shopping together, No, on second thought I would charter a plane and we could bring lots of our blogging buddies and have a flea market, antique shop, thrift shop expedition! Of course we would have to bring our fur babies too. We would end up needing an air bus, ha ha! Enjoy the rest of your stay and I am happy to hear that you will be going home to your sweet cottage, your darling hubby and those very precious babies of yours!! Thanks for including us on all your San Diego shopping expeditions. Now about those doll heads … not quite sure if I like them or not.
Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley
Love that plan, Claudia, yes, I think I’ll try that plan too!!! How wonderful that you were able to attend the show, the dress form of Rita’s is just fabulous! I know there is so much talent there. I’d love to see it all, and buy it all in person!
Hi Claudia. I love to work with doll heads and have been doing it for quite a few years. When my twentysomething daughters come to spend the night, they either put a blanket on to cover the ones laying around or turn their faces the other way! Thanks for sharing this fair….hugs, Janet
looove the bird cages:D