Merry Christmas!
Look at what arrived overnight:
Scout’s happy.
That girl loves snow.
I’m happy because there is no shoveling needed!
Have a wonderful day.
Life in our little cottage in the country
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Merry Christmas Claudia! I love your snow. I live near Seattle and they keep threatening we will be getting some this morning. It is beautiful though. May your Christmas bring you blessings of the day and I wish you and Don health, joy, peace, love and more work than you can do in the New Year. I will be reading your blog. Tana xoxox
Merry Christmas, Tana!
Merry Christmas, and lucky you with the snow. We have a small amount too and it sure brightens up the place. Tired of all the dead brown grass. I love snow:)
It melted awfully quickly, Dawn!
Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas, Diane!
A perfect Christmas snow! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Mary!
We got a dusting too. It’s magic when it snows on Christmas.
Knew you were alone so wanted to wish you a warm and merry day.
Thank you so much, Steve. The same to you!
Good Afternoon Claudia, Have a wonderful Christmas and look forward to meeting up again in the New Year. With Best Wishes, Daphne
Merry Christmas, Daphne!
Love your snow.
Hope your day is full of hot cocoa, flannel PJ’s and fun with Scout.
Thinking of you.
Just had my cocoa, Sharron – now I’m going to start on dinner. Merry Christmas!
No snow here! Rain has stopped and I hear a bird chirping. Merry Merry Christmas Claudia. Hugs!
Merry Christmas, Susy!
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…”
Merry Christmas, Claudia! Peace and happiness on this day.
Merry Christmas to you!
We’re expecting snow at any time now. Merry Christmas to you and Scout.
Yay! Snow in Oklahoma! Merry Christmas, my friend!
Merry Christmas Claudia. You and Don and Scout are in my thoughts today. I hope you have a warm, relaxing day. Love, Julie
Thank you, Julie. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and Don and beautiful Scout. Snow is magical isn’t it. Thinking of you today. xo
Thank you, Debbie. Merry Christmas!
Snow is just great when there is no shoveling required! Merry Christmas! Hope the new year brings health and happiness!
Thank you! It’s already melted! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Claudia. Just enough snow for beauty and not enough for work. Thank you for the gift of your posts this year.
You are very welcome, Joy. Merry Christmas!
I love the photo of the little red shed against the snow. It’s so pretty! I wish it was at least cool here (it’s in the 70’s and humid) so seeing this snow was refreshing.
Although I’m also jealous! :p It really is beautiful. Merry Christmas!
Well, it’s gone for the moment, Kristin. More may be coming tomorrow. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Dear Claudia!
I’m jealous of your snow. Here in Dallas we are having thunderstorms for Christmas morning. In spite of that I am having a pleasant morning, just me and the carols on the radio so I am thinking of you, Don and Scout this morning. May you all have a great day today even though you aren’t in the same space. So sure you’re together in your hearts.
Christmas Blessings,
Thinking of you, too, Cassandra. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Claudia and Scout! Enjoy your fluffy Christmas gift! :)
Merry Christmas, Tracy!
Have a wonderful day in your winter wonderland. Christmas blessings, Tammy
Merry Christmas, Tammy!
It looks so pretty, Claudia! I love how a dusting of snow can really brighten things up. I just love your home and property. I hope you are having a good day and know that you are being sent many good wishes. You are so warm, personable and down to earth and that really comes through on your blog. I’m looking forward to another year of blogging fun!
Me, too, JoAnne! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to my wonderful sister,
Love you,
Merry Christmas, Meredith my sister!
Merry Christmas, PJ’s sound pretty cozy with that snow in the background! Have a great day, Annette T
Right now I’m dressed, Annette, but the pajamas will be back on soon! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas. Claudia!
That’s the kind of snow I love…a dusting of white…justenough to make everything look pretty. :o)
Have a beautiful day!!!
Blessings, Joanne
Merry Christmas, Joanne!
Beautiful. We are hopefully going to get a little bit tomorrow. Hope you and Scout have a wonderful day. :)
You, too, Laura. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas. The shed looks so perfect.
Merry Christmas, Kathleen!
Merry Christmas to you and Scout!
xxx Liz
Merry Christmas, Liz!
Merry Christmas Claudia and Scout. We had snow flurries yesterday here in Va. but nothing to amount to anything. It was pretty though.
I love the red shed. So pretty surrounded by the snow.
My daughter loves her purple scarf that you made..
Have an enjoyable day.
Hugs, Charlotte
I’m so glad she likes it, Charlotte! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas dear Claudia and Scoutie. Know you are spending your holidays a little differently but at your beautiful cozy home nonetheless. Thinking of you three & sending warm wishes. Rock on pjs & cocoa. Hugs, Pam
Pajamas are just about to go back on, Pam! Merry Christmas!
This is such a pretty picture, Claudia! We had some heavy stuff for about 5 minutes! More is predicted over the next few days along with sleet…yuk.
I’m thinking of you today.
You are the best! Thank you for being so sweet! Merry Merry Christmas to you my wonderful friend!
Love your picture of the little red barn with the fresh snow all around!
Merry Merry Christmas! Big hugs and thank you for sharing your snowy photos. Just beautiful. You are very special to me and always will be. May 2013 be as special as you are.
Big hugs
Merry Christmas! Beautiful photo of snow and Scout. Hope you truly enjoyed your day!
Merry Christmas, Claudia! The snow is just right. Enough to be pretty, but not enough to shovel. Thank you for all of the hard work that you do for the blog. Yours is one of my favorites. I look forward to it.
Merry Christmas, Claudia! And a white one at that! WOW!
We celebrate tomorrow with the godchilldren. We are finally ready, and it seemed to take forever this year. I just had some cheese toast, and I’m ready to hit the hay. I hope you and Scout enjoy that snow. It sure is pretty!
Merry Christmas Claudia! I think that was such a sweet surprise, the snow! Hope your day was wonderful!
hugs, Linda
How fun for you to have the snow!!
*H*A*P*P*Y* *N*E*W* *Y*E*A*R*!*
Oh how lovely! We had a light dusting of Christmas snow as well. Thankfully, it vanished by the end of the day but it served its purpose and made Christmas morning magical. Hoping you and Scout had a beautiful day together, pondering the blessings of Christmas. xxx