Two dark and rainy days in a row. Thank goodness for Christmas trees covered in lights! I’m grateful for the rain, but that’s enough, thank you.
Thrilled that Raphael Warnock won in Georgia. Thrilled that Zelenskyy is Time’s Person of the Year. We stayed up too late watching election returns. But I’m glad we did.
Today’s Christmas update involves two more sweater ornaments transformed into sweaters for the girls. First up, Holly:
Holly is wearing a sweater from Kohl’s. I have another one like this but I still have to open the neckline in the back.
Isn’t this sweater neat? Holly has to be our Christmas girl, given her name.
Next? Maeve.
Maeve is wearing the Target sweater in white. (That’s her pull ring showing between her legs!) So far, the Target sweaters fit the best, but I must say I like the oversized look of the others, as well.
I glued more ornaments on the tree for Dove Cottage. I’ll put it back in the cottage today and try to take some photos – but given the darkness of the day, my efforts may be futile.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
The sweaters are so cute! I especially like Maeve’s.
I also kept watching the results last night, holding my breath! It was a very close run-off, but thrilled that Warnock won!
We’ve been getting quite a bit of rain in the Bay Area, which we need…but it sure has been cold! Hard to do anything but stay bundled up in blankets…brrr. Though it’s cold here, I know it’s colder in many other parts of the country.
Happy Wednesday!
It’s so dark here all day long!
Stay safe, Barrie.
I am so happy that R. Warnock won! I was so worried. Zelensky “Person of the Year!” it is so wonderful and appropriate. The time “the disgusting one” tried to bully him into doing what he wanted, popped into my mind. Zelensky stood firm for truth. I am sure the disgusting one is so jealous and full of envy this morning…looser.
I love the sweaters! I wish they came in my size.
Take Care,
And his company has been found guilty of fraud! He’s next.
Thanks, Kaye.
Stay safe.
I have gotten so used to weather on the Gulf. I am spoiled. I lived near Myrtle Beach five years and loved it. Although I am still in pain, it is less. Two of mine fly in tomorrow. Daughter comes every few weeks. One grand coming too. Love it. Love your tree. Gorgeous
I, as you know, prefer the seasons, which includes the right to complain about them.
Take care, Brenda.
Stay safe.
You made me chuckle when you said you have the right to complain about the weather. I can relate because no one whines more about the weather than Canadians, lol. The sweaters for the girls were posted yesterday (Dec 7th). You will have to work your magic on the neck openings. Love the cutie from Kohl’s and, of course, the one from Target. Enjoy your Thursday. Hugs, Elaine
I posted yours on Monday, I believe. So they’re on the way, too!
Stay safe, Elaine.
agree that zelensky is a good choice for time’s “person of the year”. i keep praying for the people of ukraine and russia, also for someone to turn putin in to face charges …
the girls look darling in their holiday sweaters.
glad you are getting some rain!
we are in for some dreaded “winter-y mix” tomorrow … ugh.
slept in today for having a couple of extra-busy days so far this week. Christmas shopping is nearly complete, returns made, groceries bought and delivered … feels good.
one of those errands was to drop off clothes (stained or too torn to mend and donate) at a recycling bin. sorry that i don’t know who mentioned it several posts ago about their state not allowing clothes recycling (why not?!?) … but perhaps there is another option … here in iowa, i have seen and used some bright lime-y green dumpster-size bins clearly marked for recycling of clothing and shoes. they have only recently been placed on school property and in a mall parking lot. the ones at schools are marked that those particular schools get a benefit from what’s recycled. called “the clothes bin”, but the website is “” (or maybe .org). been in existence for eight years, not solely in iowa, maybe nation-wide. hope that helps whoever commented about having no place to recycle clothes, etc.
stay safe, warm and well, everyone!
Putin should be put on trial for war crimes.
Thanks, Kathy.
Stay safe.
Gosh, I hope you get some kind of sun glow soon. The girls look darling in their holiday sweaters. I had never paid attention to sweater ornaments til you started showing the Target ones. I’ve become hooked. I even ordered a crafts kit to make my own for next year.
I think our rain is over for awhile (it was never much) but we ARE coolish in SoCalif for at least the next seven days, or so say the meteorologists (was 44 degrees at 6am here near the coast; but we’re sunny at 8:30am at least). Curiously, one guy on L.A. TV news whose weather forecasts I really pay attention to, said that it could mean, if you can count on past patterns (technically, we can’t anymore due to climate change), that Christmas week will REALLY warm up; so, I don’t quite know how I feel about that! (I’ve had enough hot, dry, Santa Ana winds on Christmas Day to last me!)
Gee am I worried about my friend who got Covid about six weeks ago. I could barely get thru a phone conversation with her yesterday afternoon without her coughing constantly and with no voice (to the point that we had to end the phone call); it really startled me as I’d thought she was improving, especially because for reasons I don’t understand, she keeps playing down her after-effects of the virus and that she’s doing ‘fine’ (not!!); of course my suggestion yesterday that she go to the doctor for evaluation and perhaps a stronger cough syrup than OTC was unacknowledged; however, I’m worrying about this, has thrown me off guard; concerned for her; she lives alone (single/divorced; no adult children) and extended family is not in the immediate vicinity (at least two hours away but thankfully not TOO far from the area); besides which, they’re all sick from (or recovering from) Covid themselves. I told my husband, “I think some of us friends need to do an intervention with her!” He shook his head, “That will NOT be appreciated; you KNOW this; you need to let it go.”
I’m just perplexed by the whole thing because she’s an intelligent person and highly-capable/self-sufficient to know what needs to be done of what could help herself (like, why suffer so much? [it’s a lot of fatigue]). Leaves me feeling frustrated and helpless. (I guess it’s the fix-it thing in me; that I want a better solution for her.) Gosh, though, does it seem her extended family and she got a particularly-bad infection (albeit no hospitalization), because her brother’s also still sick from Covid; and, two days ago as another week started, he had to request another couple of weeks off work per his doctor; so, so far, he will have missed eight weeks of employment, and that’s a hardship for both him AND his employer.
I wonder if this is happening all over, because my husband noticed yesterday at our hometown big-box grocery store that they were seriously understaffed (he knows the store well) and shelves really needed re-stocking (this has happened twice now with our shopping, and they’re saying it’s not a supply problem; that they’re just behind and can we come back later in the day or the next day [it’s not even that they have more customers than usual, as another large grocer has come to town, so the customer base is a little more spread out now]). I think they’re short at the post office, too; our street mail isn’t getting delivered most of the time til after dinner in the evening, which is unusual. I mean, I know it’s a busy time of year for them, and they’re probably inundated with parcels as a result of Black Friday; still, we’ve noticed this too with medical testing, and how long each of us, husband and I, are waiting for appointments that never used to take as long.
(He’s needed a non-life-threatening yet important-for-him-soonest surgery since last month and the big hospital in a larger town than ours couldn’t accommodate it til end of next month [and that will apparently now also be predicated upon capacity, what with the uptick in Covid/flu cases in my area {California is among the very worst states right now for reported flu cases; a lot of people are REALLY sick, showing up at the hospitals; fast-disappearing hospital beds for everybody else}]. I miss holiday shopping SO MUCH, seeing decorated stores and listening to carols while moving thru the store aisles but I guess in the long run right now, I’m lucky I can just stay home, and try to stay apart and well from all the savage illness out there. Such a shame that people are getting so sick, when all you want is for everybody to be able to enjoy the happy holiday season; peace on earth.)
I think your husband is right. You’ve voiced your concern and now it’s up to her.
Yes, Covid numbers are up and the CDC is now recommending masking – not just for Covid, but for the flu and for RSV.
Too many people became complacent and it’s showing in the amount of new cases.
Stay safe, Vicki.
I’m really uninformed about RSV. To my surprise, my husband informed me that he’s going to volunteer for a RSV trial vaccine, I don’t know exactly with whom, but its focus is senior-aged adults as I guess the infection/virus is taking out too many of us. He starts the Q & A with a medical team in Los Angeles next week. I’m a little (a lot) peeved we didn’t talk about it first, between us. I guess I’ll be finding out more, but I sorta feel he already has enough going on with his health; and, you know, it’s a busy time of year already with it just being Christmas. With him going under general anesthesia next month, I just don’t want anything else weird in his body when it’s already taxed with other drugs and surgery. Of course it’s a personal problem between spouses who usually discuss EVERYTHING together, so I have said to him, “We need to talk.” And of course that just makes him cringe!
Yes, that probably should have been something he discussed with you first. Sigh.
So far, I see not one hint of a white Christmas here. Sigh.
Stay safe, Vicki.
The girls look fab – what a neat idea!
Thanks, Deborah!
Stay safe.
Just saw your post of the tree. It looks so bright and cheery! I love the sweaters on the girls, what luck that you found those. It’s been very foggy and gray here today, but my friend helped me put up a strand of lights across the mantle and the top of the piano, and they make the living room look very warm.
Very foggy, gray, and rainy here. A bit depressing, really. Lights sure do help, Nora.
Stay safe.
Although it’s been a grey, rainy & dreary day outside, Warnock’s win in GA has brightened things considerably.
The winter solstice is not that far in the distance, and we have Spring to look forward too.
Until then, the lights of my Christmas tree will continue to brighten my home and a seed catalog will my mind on Spring.
Stay safe, warm & well.
Yes, once Solstice occurs, the days will slowly get longer.
Thanks so much, Amy.
Stay safe.
I love the little sweaters! It seldom gets cold enough here for me to wear sweaters which I do love. I was so beyond thrilled that Warnock won! I was going to cry if he didn’t. So proud of Ga and the young people who really turned out to vote. I can enjoy Christmas fun now!
I’m so happy for all of you in Georgia and for the country, as well.
Stay safe.
Somehow, when I was looking at Holly’s cute sweater I couldn’t help but think of a runway commentary: “Holly is wearing a fashionably oversized holiday sweater with faux fur trim at the cuffs, neckline and hem. The Nordic pattern in a pleasing combination of sky blue, pale lemon and soft brown features a pine tree motif.”
I love them!
I was thinking about your girls without Christmas sweaters.What about a simple red or green or plaid dress or top with a Santa hat (or your cute berets) and/or a red or green scarf? OK. I’ve got to let this go.
Love that commentary, Jeanie! It made me laugh out loud.
I don’t have all that much in red or green, so we’ll have to see. I’m on it!
Thanks so much, my friend.
Stay safe.