Jumping Jacks with (I now see) chalk dust on their heads/hats from the chalkboard which is just above them. Time for a little cleaning!
I worked outside yesterday for a few hours, starting in on the cleanup of the big garden bed. Clearing all the old growth, cutting back, getting down to the bare soil is always a huge task since I’m the only one doing it. I stood there, looking at everything, thinking, “Oh crap. How can I do all of this?” But I can. I just need to take it day by day.
Don and I were chatting this morning and both of us agreed that we need to see green things growing, flowers blooming and also: scent – we need to smell lilacs, etc. Perhaps because this winter has been so long, longer than usual, that feeling, that need, is more intense for us than ever. I hope that by the next time he comes home for a visit, things around here will be very different.
News flash: I saw Henry yesterday! He was lounging on the ramp to the shed. That’s how I know it was him – he loves to do that. Of course, in the space of time it took me to go get my camera (30 seconds?) he was spooked by something or other and disappeared. So maybe that was Henry I saw the other day. I’m always so happy to see he’s still with us.
And I saw a tiny little bird take a drink from the birdbath. A sure sign of spring.
Today I’m having lunch with Rick and then we’re going to look for some houseplants for his sunroom. That will be fun!
Happy Thursday.
You know, I still haven’t found much growing in my yard yet…it could use a good cleaning out, too. But, with snow predicted for Sunday…2-4,
preceded by a two day rain of 2+ inches….I’m in no hurry. So…I’m playing hooky too…lunch with a friend, and some shopping/browsing. I think you and Don are right about the smells of spring…there just haven’t been any yet. Have fun today! ;)
Oh no about the snow!
Even though it is Work, I’m sure that it was great to be puttering in the garden again. Starting to think about moving to the lake house, it must be cold there, still, but the rhubarb will be coming up, I’ll bet. Changes in latitude/changes in attitude, coming soon.
I could use a piece of rhubarb pie, Shanna.
I agree we all need the scents of spring and life! I’m so excited that tomorrow and Saturday are forecast to be 70 degrees. I plan on spending as much time out side getting some vitamin D and brushing off this long winter. Goodness it snowed on April 10th! Enjoy your day and digging in the dirt.
I will. More digging today, Karen.
A Henry sighting is always a happy event. Oh and the rabbit yesterday was so cute. So Spring is coming!! I’m having lunch with Sara today before she goes to take her test for her Specialist Degree in Leadership that she has been working on for a year! She has a paper to finish and then she is done!! It’s been a hard year with grad school online, learning her new position in her job and oh yes two kids and a hubby! She is really looking forward to some summer fun. Me too!
Good for Sara! Such hard work with so many other responsibilities!
We did lots of cleanup on Monday and a little on Tuesday, and then the rains came back. Amazing , isn’t it, how many leaves can be in the garden? And there are still lots more everywhere! Happy gardening!
I have so much leaf raking to do, Judy!
Ah, the scents of spring. Won’t it be lovely when / if they finally arrive? They are saying 2-4 inches of rain for us Fri night -Sat and that rain turning to snow Sat night – Sun. It is just all too awful to think about. The construction guys in town all say there is still frost in the ground and with nightly temps into the mid to low 20’s, that probably won’t change too soon. We are adding water daily to the bird baths, but still have the heaters plugged in to keep them from freezing.
Have fun plant shopping today!! Oh, what fun!
I’m so sorry about the snow in your forecast. I would be tearing my hair out!
Rick always picks up your mood! and seeing Henry… well that’s a gift in itself.
and I like to think … a good omen!
I think so, too. Love my Henry!
Well, I hope then that your Thursday is going along very nicely today, Claudia.
Funny thing about Henry and realizing it really is him. I’ve said it before but I swear the same blue jay comes back every year, even going back to when my mom was alive (some years ago now) and in this house. He’s extremely bold and every morning he tries to get my attention. His lady jay has a nest in the neighboring yard where a small tree divides our furthest-rear properties. This morning, he stormed my head and then went INSIDE a shed where I retrieve my kitty dishes, then jumped on the shed doorframe to ‘yell’ at me while I was standing RIGHT there. I think he’s annoyed I don’t feed him anymore, yet he always ate the dry cat food I set out anyway.
Then, last evening, I went out to retrieve the cat dishes for the night – – I can’t ever leave anything out or I attract too many other types of wildlife, such as raccoons which I rather despise – – and what was in one of the dishes, but a baby possum. I’d seen the mom a few weeks back and she was quite plump. I have no idea where they’re holed up; could be under aforementioned shed which was why he may have been in the yard. But he looked too little to already be away from his mother. He of course froze; they’re so vulnerable even when they play dead. I think he was pretty comfy in the round dish although the sad thing was that he might have been hungry and the food was too big/hard for his little teeth or however they gnosh (I don’t know a whole lot about possums/opossums; I think they’re ground feeders/like vacuum cleaners cleaning everything up). I left for a few minutes and he got himself out, making his way slowly up the path to the hill, so I hope he got to where he needed to be but I fear he was too small to have left Mom. It’s nature; just gotta let it be. My one younger cat who straddles the feral world and my world also left the possum alone but he sure was curious/alarmed about the whole thing, as if to say, “Hey, you can’t hang out in my food bowl!”
Certainly the appearance of these creatures spells spring, Claudia. Will make you feel good to see Henry from time to time. Just wish you didn’t have all that hard work to do but, oh, the end result will give you much reward. No more gray-colorless/bleak surroundings.
Poor little possum! I hope he’s okay!
Sure signs of spring in other parts of the US. We plan to do gardening this weekend. I’ve been suffering from the worst bout of sciatica I’ve ever had…laid up for most of this week. But, I got a lot of stitching done, though there are chores I know need doing. I don’t want to aggravate the leg. It’s getting better and at least I’ve been able to sleep at night, and didn’t need any pain meds. Just gritting my teeth through it, and stretching. Good thing I don’t have these bouts more than once every few years…. Hope the Henry spottings continue. They cheer you immensely.
I’m so sorry about your sciatica, Wendy. I hope you’re feeling better today.
Have fun plant shopping with Rick. We cleaned the front. Hopefully the back yard next week. That is a large job. There is a lot of leaves and weeds to clear out.
Same here, Marilyn. Lots of work to do! But at least we’re finally outside!
Was outside briefly today and it actually smelled and felt like spring for the very first time!! What a lift it gave me! Short-lived though because, as Chris K says above, Wisconsin is going to have a wet, cold weekend. Will just have to keep my feeders full and watch the birdies out the family room window.
I haven’t had that smell yet, but I’m hoping it comes on this warm day today.
I hope you and Rick had a great time plant shopping!…I bet you both got some nice additions for your homes…I got a rather new plant called Senecio Angel Wings it has big leaves that are soft and feel like Lambs Ear…the leaves are bordered in what I think looks like tiny little pointed tooth shapes…I just love the look and feel of it…Now I have to decide what to transplant it in because from what I see online they can get pretty big…It was in the 60’s here today Claudia!!..and SUNSHINE….I just had to get out of here for a while…I wore a sleeveless top and sandals but did wear my long jeans…I didn’t want to go too overboard….lol…I just felt so wonderful today!!!…I hope you and Rick felt as happy as I did today!
Sounds like a lovely plant, Nancy!