My view from the stairs this morning:
I missed that guy. Truth is, we don’t like to be apart. I suppose that’s because we’ve had to be apart for long periods of time throughout our marriage due to the demands of our careers. And because we truly like being together.
Nevertheless, I was in Hartford for a little over 24 hours on Thursday and Friday, working on Darko’s latest production. I stayed in the same apartment I always stay in, sans any personal touches I would normally add. It felt comfortable and known, even without my decorations.
I saw the production on Thursday night and then worked with one of the actors on Friday. Actually, I worked with a few of them. I’d worked with two of them previously and it was great to see them again. The rest were new to me.
First of all, a note about the production – it’s a new play and it’s really, really good. There are more than a few surprises throughout the evening and the first preview audience was very responsive. The set is incredible. I really liked it. It has a powerful message.
That being said, Darko had me in to work on some specific issues and, as is often the case in this kind of one-time-only situation, I didn’t have much time to do it in. You know what I find interesting? Not to blow my own horn, but I’m at my best in this kind of pressure cooker. I always worry that I won’t say the right thing, that an actor who has never met me will not want to listen to advice from a stranger, or I’ll mess up the opportunity in some way.
But, as Don repeatedly reminds me, I’m really good at this. It’s as if a starting gun goes off and I’m firing on all cylinders. I have to be kind and charming but firm. I have to be efficient and clear and help the actor feel empowered by the information I am passing on. My intention is to be of service and, hopefully, when I leave, the actor will feel better for the encounter. I had an hour an a half in which to work with one actor in particular and also to work on a few specific moments involving other actors that needed clarity.
And then I was done.
I get a high from it – that feeling you get when you know you’re doing your best work and you realize that this is what you do well. This is where you feel you just might touch excellence, if only for a second or two. Don gets it when he does a great audition, when he knows that for a few minutes in a stark audition room, he has the audience in the palm of his hand. After all, it’s what we’ve been doing for decades. We’re able to distill our knowledge and skill into an audition or a coaching session and emerge knowing we were on top of our game.
It doesn’t always work that way. There are hits and misses, but most of the time, it does. And it is a great feeling. It’s easy to forget just how good we are at what we do when we’re not working professionally, when we’re going through our days doing other things.
Yesterday reminded me that I am really good at what I do. I would normally be uncomfortable at sharing this because I’m basically modest, but I’m still on a bit of a high from it, so there you go.
Back in our BU days, Rick and I used to imagine me being an Emergency Dialect and Speech Coach, dashing down the road in my little foreign car to a theater, giving intense notes, then hopping into the seat of my convertible, once again on the road to another job. We’d laugh and laugh. (We had a lot of these silly scenarios in our heads. Still do.) But that’s sort of what the work I did on Friday was.
It was a good day. And I got of rehearsal early enough to avoid the Friday rush hour traffic! A straight shot down the Interstate from Connecticut to New York.
All good.
Except for the fact that downtown Hartford is like a wind tunnel on the best of days and we were in the midst of a wind event and it was cold and I thought my face would freeze off. Other than that, it was lovely.
Happy Saturday.
I have no doubt that you are good at what you do, Claudia. Anyone can tell that from the thoughtful posts you share with us here! I’m still just glad that you share yourself with us so selflessly. Thanks again and happy weekend!
Aw, thank you, Shanna!
I could not have said it better than Shanna did!
Have a great weekend
Thank you, Cathy!
Yep….Shanna said it all. Enjoy the high…and your day! ;)
The high is wearing off now. As it should! Thanks Donnamae!
Yes, I agree — I should think you would be quite good at your profession.
And here’s a question for you — Next week I will be seeing “Anastasia” when it comes to performing arts center. Do you coach the tours also as they prepare to go out? You know I’ll be thinking of you at the show!
By the way, I finished Kingdom of the Blind. Do you think she ended it in a way that it could be her last Gamache? I hope not…
I didn’t coach it like I coached the original that started at Hartford Stage and went to Broadway. That production I spent weeks on. They didn’t call me in on the tour until they were just about to go on the road. I watched one run-through and gave notes to the cast. So I was involved, but just barely. Producers are a bit tight with the money, if you know what I mean.
I get Louise’s newsletter. She’s in the midst of edits on her next Gamache. So she’s not ending the series!
agree with shanna and the others … and i really, really liked this post, claudia! i am a modest person, too, and don’t “toot my own horn” (to use a weird expression) either, but it’s good to be able to do and nice to hear others own their abilities. yay you!
glad the trip went well (other than the cold and being apart from don).
happy saturday!
kathy in iowa
Thank you, Kathy!
A thrilling ride ! Yes, Shanna said it. Thank you, Claudia!
Thank you, Martha!
Spent a month at Shakespeare and company one summer. I drove so would have a car but we were at Hartford airport
Lovely town
Glad you made it home!
One summer I spent at the Folgers in D C and flew there as transportation easy! Shakespeare of course! Two summers trips to,England for same things! Humanities paid for teachers who were chosen!!! Folgers the best!!!
Those were the days, Brenda!
Yes to Shanna and everyone! Being aware of the quality of your offerings both here and there is helpful and beneficial all around Claudia,and perhaps well worth remembering when feeling unsure. Thank-you!
Yes. We all need a reminder at times, don’t we?
Oh yes,:)
Glad you arrived home safe. Enjoy the week end.
You too, Marilyn!
Always remember that you are the “BEST” at what you do!!
Thank you, dear Judy!
I love that ‘high’ you can get when you know you’ve done something well. I like all the others have no doubts that you are great at your job. Don we see on screen sometimes so we know his work also. A bit of a lazy day today. Did work on laundry and moving the last of the Christmas decorations to the storage space. Did a bit in the craft room but a big de-clutter is coming soon.
I’ve lost my decluttering mojo and have to get it back again, Linda!
Quality isn’t always in Quantity! I love the way you describe it all.
and Shanna said it first and best for all of us!
bless you lady! so glad you were a success and are now back home
so you could see that wonderful view from the stairs! XO
Back home and it’s really, really cold!
I’m glad your coaching went well. Too bad they couldn’t have you for longer blocks so you wouldn’t have a time crunch and traveling in. It is such a good feeling, a high as you say, when you do something well! I teach professionals and offer grief counselling and there are days where I catch myself saying something so profound …. and then realize “wow, that came out of my mouth!!” It’s an honor to share our knowledge and our passion with others and I so get that “high” feeling!
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday and can relax, knowing another job has been well done!
X Chy
Thank you so much, Chy!
You deserve every nice thing that you said about yourself Claudia…lol…but I really do mean it!!!…just looked out the window and everything is white….
No snow here, Nancy!