It’s the third grey skies day in a row here. Time for the sun, Mother Nature.
So I’ll post a photo of the kitchen on a sunny day, just to remind myself that sunny days do exist.
Ah, yes! That’s what sunny looks like.
I’ve been reading a lot lately about Pinterest and copyright issues. It’s all over the Internet. I was vaguely aware of the discussion but then my friend Z posted about it the other day. She referenced an article (which you can read by clicking on Z’s post) that I find very troubling. Today, I received this post from Amy (I subscribe via email) that had even more links to posts about Pinterest/copyright problems.
I’m not a lawyer. Frankly, the minute I start to read legalese my eyes glaze over. But there are serious issues about pinning other’s images, repinning without linking back to the original source and, to the best of my knowledge, Pinterest’s policy; which basically says they are not liable for any copyright infringement, but we (the pinners) are.
If you pin, I urge you to read the links. I’m not on Pinterest all that much. I have a few pinboards and I see that my photos are being pinned regularly. As to latter, so far I’m flattered. As to the former, I’m going to go back and make sure every image I have pinned is linked back to the original source. If I can’t link it, I’m deleting it. Everyone deserves credit for their work and unfortunately, I see many, many photos on Pinterest that are not linked to the originator.
Who knows? I may even delete my account eventually.
I watched a story on the NBC Nightly News yesterday that discussed Google’s new Privacy Policy, which has also sparked a bit of controversy. That policy went into effect on March 1st. I’ve done what I can to edit my privacy settings but since I use Google for this blog, there’s only so much I can do. I certainly can’t opt out.
I’m not lying awake worrying about any of this, but I do think we have to be careful in this Internet world. Writing a blog automatically puts us in the public eye. As I’ve said before, I’m not comfortable with the push to use Google+. So I don’t want to edit my photos on Google+, which is where we will find many of Picnik’s editing capabilities on April 20th.
Another reason for me to consider a move to WordPress. And I am. I’d like to own the content of this blog. It seems only right that this space that I have carefully crafted over the course of 4 years should be my property.
I must confess, sometimes the Internet seems a bit like the Wild West. And I guess it is. It’s all relatively new, therefore, new issues are popping up every day. All the more reason to exercise a bit of caution and use common sense – we are public in a way that seemed unthinkable a few short years ago.
If you have thoughts about this, please share them. I’d love to learn more about these issues and your insights will be greatly appreciated, as always.
Don’t forget that I’m having a giveaway for the series of 3 Prime Suspect mysteries. Just scroll down one post to my book review and leave a comment. I promise you, there are no other hoops to jump through. I never do that.
It is definitely hard to control what happens to content once it’s out there on the internet, and usually it’s flattering when someone else mentions your work or adds it to a list on pinterest, etc. However, I have had at least two instances where a person copied every picture in a tutorial blog post of mine onto pinterest. Though there is a link back to my blog on each photo, it bothered me a bit since the pictures give the basic steps of the tutorial. So, I felt my content had been copied in its entirety not just one photo pinned for later reference. I didn’t write to the authors who pinned since I’m not on pinterest currently, but if it gets out of hand, I suppose I’ll have to do so. Pinterest is a useful site with lots of inspiration, but there are definite questions about permissions and fair use.
Thank you for this info, I am much in the dark on all these new sites. I do see my pincushions are posted but they do link back to my blog. I am not sure how I feel about this. In the past I have had my photos copied. I know its going to happen, I know there is not much I can do but ask the seller to remove the photos. I am shrinking my pics to a lower size and lower res.
I guess its what we all have to put up with being on the internet.
Thank you again for this post and getting this info out, especially to those like me that did not know of Pinterest.
GOD bless.
Although I don’t use Pinterest, I’m fascinated by the whole discussion and read the post to which you linked. I have had one person ask if they could pin a photo of mine, but don’t know if anyone else has done so without asking. I do find it disturbing when someone puts a photo in their blog and cites “Pinterest” as the source rather than the photographer.
This certainly opens a can of worms. I am certainly on board with your thoughts, Claudia. It is a really vague world in regards to the internet. It is fun to share wonderful images of other creative women, however if it is going to be a sore subject doing so, then why bother. I thought blogging was to be just fun!
I read about this also this week. I was on Pinterest only once. I accidently pinned some things. Since then so many people have signed up to follow me…..and I am not doing anything. I think I will erase those pins now and wait and see what happens. Keeping up with blogging is enough for me. Thinking about saying good-bye to Face Book as well…..thanks for your advice.
I stopped blogging due to privacy just did not feel right to me anymore. I must say that I do miss it and am surprised by how profitable blogging has become! With that said I LOVE reading blogs and also am a Pinterest fan.I am not sure in the beginning if I repinned a pin that it was properly linked…now I always make sure to link it corrrectly if I pin it and if I cannot get it to link due to glitches in the system then I DO NOT pin it. It is not fair nor legal as we are all learning. I did repin an old photo and was contacted by a woman in another country and asked to remove my pin as it was from her private collection and had been taken without her permission. She also contacted other people who had repinned it. A few times I have seen other pins that were not linked back to their blog source and actually went in and linked it myself. Everyone is starting to use it for self promotion so I am sure it is a matter of time before it won’t be a fun place anymore.
Gosh I did not mean to write a book.
Claudia may you have a wonderful weekend in your sweet Home.
I totally argee with you! My images are mine, I took them, they aren’t the best, I’m not a photographer but they’re mine! I really find it troubling when I see images in a blog that are marked Pinterest or even “image from…pick your image web site. Take your own photos and give credit to the artist who took the time to lovingly snap that photo! Thank you for bringing this to so many of our attention!!! By the way, I love all of your photos!
My words are my words, regardless of which internet vehicle I use to communicate them. If the people who run the blog I use feel that my words belong to them…. then it’s time to rethink how I send my thoughts out into the world! Thank you for posting this. I hadn’t thought much about it but now I am.
I agree with you Claudia, it is like the wild west out there! I’d better check my pins to make sure they link back to someone or I’ll have to delete them. Usually they do, but now I’m going to check! As far as word press-how user friendly is it? Do you need to know any code? I like the ease of Blogger, but would also like to own my content and I don’t like google plus either.
Hope you have a good weekend. We should be getting better weather next week-yea!
I’m so very confused. I see the pluses and minuses of word press. I like to think we are all honest people who would not take from someone else without giving credit, but unfortunately, I hear about it often. Great post. I enjoyed reading all the comments.
hi claudia,
it most definitely is the wild west. even images that one blocks on sites like facebook still show up on image searches.
i try my best to credit sources, ID my own pics, don’t post what i don’t want shared.
always adore seeing pics of your lovely MHC!
happy weekend
Great topic!! I don’t pin, but enjoy viewing the boards out there. I think it’s really important to link the photo to the original source, not a blog it was featured on, as one of my photos was linked. The blog mentioned that it was my photo and gave me credit there, but I would prefer my photos were linked directly to me when pinned.
After all, it’s the right thing to do.
Hi Claudia,
You make some excellent points…the Internet is a bit like the Wild West…evolving as we all move along. I’m always careful to credit photos and ideas I use on my blog but it is not always easy…people repost and repost…sometimes it’s difficult to get back to the source. Thanks for reminding us all of how careful we need to be in this brave new blogging world.
p.s. Glad you’re coming along on my little blogger road trip…I really do want to see more of your McCoy!
I seem to have missed much of this news this week. I look forward to becoming more informed about this subject.
After actually going to the links and reading the articles I realize that I am responsible for every pin that I pin.
Guess it is time to delete my account.
Thanks for the information.
I’d rather just delete my account than worry that there’s something I pinned that could cause me trouble. I hate it when fun things turn worrisome!
Hope you have a great weekend!
I’ve been a little concerned about Blogger/gmail/youtube, etc., for a while. I saw the news story too. What bothers me with gmail is that they put up ads that are related to E-mails I’m writing or receiving. I looked and it says no human ever reads the E-mails, their system just looks for key words and puts up the ads. OK…I’m not crazy about it, but I can live with it. Gmail is free and that’s how they get their revenue. What bothers me is that lately I’ve received a couple of E-mails and on my gmail screen I can see their street address. There’s even a button that says “map this address.” I’m assuming those people put their addresses out there somewhere, but I wonder if they realize where the information is going?
Claudia, this week has been a flurry of discussions and introspection. SO many emails and comments and posts on the subject…I feel comforted that many care enough to do the right thing and dismayed at an equal number who have said to me..”shut up, whats the big deal, everyone does it.”
This weekend pinterest and I part ways ..I need to check some addressees so I can find some favorite blogs again and I have not had time this week to do so.
I just know I will not be comfortable on Pinterest without writing each person I wish to pin and obtaining permission to pin.. and goodness knows there is no time for that!!! Giving credit is not enough for me, not now, knowing what I know..
I will miss it but cold turkey is the only way for me to feel good in my gut once more.. <3
Hi Claudia,
Ben Ashby from Folk mag. had a link on FB. yesterday about Pinterest. I haven’t read the article yet, but I will. I’m on Pinterest and have many boards. I agree that the pins be linked back. After all, the artist should take credit where credit is due. End of story ;)
xxx Liz
I try to be careful, but may fail at times. I guess I need to go back and look at all my pins. It is all so time consuming. I wish there was an easier way to do it :)
I don’t pin, but let me say I LOVE your kitchen, and hope you have sunny days ahead. :)
You will have to be self hosted to own your content on WordPress I believe and your blog can disappear there too. Just read a blog post on a gal’s who was gone for 24 hours just like mine was for a couple of hours on Blogger. Not sure what the answer is but always interested on your thoughts on all of this. Overwhelming.
Oh gosh, I am so in the dark concerning Google. I knew there was a lot of hoopla going on about the lack of privacy coming, but I haven’t researched it yet at all.
Love that view of your dining/kitchen on a sunny day!
Your kitchen is put together well, and seems so homey!
I love it.
have a great day! Pat
First, love the dining/kitchen view!
Second, it becomes overwhelming with all these sites. I must admit, I am on Google+ and have included in my circles primarily on photographers. I love many of their work. But all in all, I’m not sure of the purpose of G+. It seems to be a cross between Twitter & Facebook, both of which I don’t spend much time on. Time will tell what comes of G+. As for Pinterest, I don’t spend much time there as well. I recently did check out WordPress and thought of switching but ran into some confusion. I was so familiar with blogger that I just didn’t want to go through the learning curve right now.
Hi Claudia! Thank you so much for writing about these kinds of topics. I love it that this is a place where discussions can happen and learning can follow. I’m very concerned about my privacy on the internet and also about people stealing my work. Thanks for helping me to stay informed! :-) Jennifer
Claudia, I thought you might be interested in this article:
I have not joined Pinterest but I know many photos from my blog have been pinned there. I suppose I don’t really have a problem with people using my (watermarked) photos for inspiration but after reading the above article, it would appear that the Terms of Serivce give Pinterest permission to SELL any photos pinned, if they so desire! Now, the chances of them selling any of my photos is probably nil because I’m no great photographer but just knowing they COULD irks me to no end!
Now I’m wondering how can we prevent people from pinning photos from our blogs to Pinterest?