All photos edited with the Tranquil Effect on PicMonkey
If I had to use two words to describe the cottage today, I would choose Creative Clutter. There are piles of books waiting to be read, potted impatiens brought in from the porch and stashed everywhere, paintbrushes drying in a piece of McCoy Pottery. On the top of the dollhouse: tools and paint and scraps of wood. On the coffee table in the living room: stacks of books, an agenda, guitar picks, scribbled notes, all of Don’s creative tools. A guitar tucked in a corner of the living room. On my desk: more scribbled notes, my filofax, stamps, colored pens, a scrap of fabric.
I sometimes struggle with Creative Clutter. I tend to be tidy. Don, however, loves it. He sees it as creative stimulation, proof that interesting things are happening here in the cottage. He’s right, of course.
Now, the piles of mail and paper on the kitchen table don’t fall under the category of Creative Clutter. They need some attention. But the rest? Right now, it’s not bothering me. I’d rather be in the midst of projects in process. I’d rather be in a wonderful creative tangle. I’d rather see books everywhere, with places marked, waiting to be picked up once again. I’d rather see paintbrushes and paints and flowering plants on every available surface and guitar picks and the words to a new song hastily written on a scrap of paper.
I’m learning. I’m learning to pick my battles. I’m learning to let go of my need for order when that very order might stifle creative expression. I’m learning that this cottage is the home of two very creative people and if they are creating….things are good. Better than good.
Happy Sunday.
Claudia, this is the way I can describe my house and craft area most of the time! Enjoy your day, Doris
Thank you, Doris. You too!
I am not a neat freak but too much clutter=chaos to me and then it =stress!
I love those little slippers!!
Me too. But I’m getting better about it. Don’t worry, I’ll straighten up a bit!
…and all is right at your cottage! ;)
It is at the moment.
So that’s what to call it? My office is out of control right now, with projects everywhere. Today I feel like closing the door and hope it all goes away. I need a piece of furniture to store things in and that would make a big difference. I have searched craigslist for the perfect piece but so far nothing. I will now be calling my mess. Creative Clutter:)
Yes, calling it Creative Clutter makes it a positive thing! Good luck with finding that piece of furniture!
Sometimes you have to make choices. I got home from visiting relatives for Thanksgiving. I needed to clean my bathroom and vacuum the floor (a never-ending chore with two dogs). Instead, I made a Christmas table runner to go under my new ceramic Christmas tree. Yes, the bathroom is still dirty, but this morning I’m looking at really pretty Christmas décor on my dining room buffet. That was my choice in favor of creative clutter!
Good for you, Debra!
Claudia, I , too, am a captive of creative clutter. I am working on a costume for Sock, a Chinese-crested terrier rescue. It’s a replica of the Christmas Present costume from Hartford Stage and this is the most complicated one ever. It has working candle lights and I made antlers last night from oven-baked modeling clay. Almost finished with headdress, but so heavy, I think it will have to be held above his head. I will send Scout’s condolences to Sock for this latest canine humiliation.
My workspace surpasses yours in clutter. I can only do these projects when Noble is out of town. Glitter on every surface. But a necessary evil when creating. Someday I will finish my studio in the attic but hopefully before we are buried in fabric, glue guns, and ribbons! And I, as you, prefer to putter around making things rather than dealing with grown-up pesky things like bills and paperwork. Best to you on this Sunday morning and prayers for those involved in the Metro North derailment. Tina
Oh yes, I much prefer being creative to bills and paperwork! No contest. Noble would have a hard time dealing with all of the clutter, wouldn’t he? I have to call him soon. I miss talking to him. Can’t wait to see a photo of Sock’s new costume.
You take that train every day and I’ve certainly taken it hundreds of times. Prayers for all the passengers and crew.
Claudia & Don..You two make as much clutter as is necessary for you to keep being creative!! How boring the world would be without creative people like you..
I just ‘straightened it up’ but it’s still very creatively cluttered around here1
Hah, woman, I call it “organized clutter” as opposed to disorganized “stuff”!
You are so right, Connie. I owe you an email. it’s coming….
When we lived in our little condo, the only real place to create was at the kitchen table…scrap booking, sewing, painting, sign making, it all took place there. It was great until I needed to use the table for dinner.. Now I have a dedicated room to create in, and not much is getting done there. So here’s to creative clutter, the warmth of being in the midst of it all, and the inspiration that comes with the pressure to keep it under control.
Amen, Jen!
I love the term “creative clutter.” Will need to adopt that one! I’m also married to a guy who is fine with clutter and I am the neat freak. So we’ve compromised. My living room has to be tidy with all things in their place and the same with our dining room. Those two rooms keep my sanity in check. And it’s great if anyone just drops by, then we always have a tidy, pulled together, uncluttered spot for guests and visits. The family room/kitchen area is at the back of our house and where we live. And clutter is about with guitars, art materials, toys for our gandson and books everywhere. We do a “5 minute tidy” every night so it doesn’t get out of hand. I hate stuff on my kitchen counters but our kitchen is so tiny, we have some stuff there. Not too much as there is open space but still, my wish is it would be empty. My art studio is pretty neat. I have a couple of projects laid out on my big table under the window but it’s still pretty tidy. The library/dollhouse room is the one messy spot that is driving me crazy!! Books all over, papers in piles to be sorted and the dollhouse, taking up so much room as it’s so big. Our bedroom is funny. You can tell who the messy guy is. Beside his bed, stacks of books, socks, papers, empty water glasses on his bedside table. Beside my bed, open floor, space, space, space. My backpack and laptop and that’s it! I guess this is what makes our marriages to our creative partners work – honoring each other’s style and giving space for the “creative clutter!!”
Sounds like such a creative household, Chy! It sounds like you manage it well. We have a small house and even if it’s some surfaces are cluttered, I make sure piles are straightened, surfaces are dusted, floors are vacuumed and swiffered. Just did all that this morning!
Someone just posted the following on my facebook page. (I’m feeling like I’m in some REALLY fine, creative company!) ….So the University of Minnesota put some people in messy rooms and some in clean rooms and then did some research. They discovered that the people in the messy rooms were more creative than those in the clean rooms. The people in the clean rooms did what was expected of them – the people in the messy rooms were more innovative in their solutions.
Ah, that’s perfect, Rebecca!
I’ve always loved the saying ” a messy house is a sign of creativity” . Fits me to a tee!
Well. you are highly creative, Judy!
That is a fabulous attitude and of course you are right. We made a little mess of our house this weekend but it was in order to put some holiday spirit into it. The cat is not allowing us to decorate the tree so it is woefully naked but that is okay. xo, olive
I sometimes enjoy seeing the naked tree for a couple of days, Olive. We won’t get ours until sometime next week.
Don would feel right at home here most days! :)
I get frustrated by my clutter sometimes but other times it has to be! My place is small..I sew in the dining room..sometimes I am referring to a pile of books to compose a post on the olden days or vintage this or that…when I have a bunch of family and kids over here, while there is a toy room upstairs the little ones bring half of the toys down here…then for days I am sorting and restoring only to see it all happen again.
And would I prefer to be alone and all clean and organized without the kid’s clutter ? Heck no, lol! Yep, you guys would feel right at home here, though I’d clean up for you the first time you came :)
And we’d clean up the first time you came!
claudia, i think that when creativity takes us to exciting places.. we dont even see whats going on around us.. doesent time stop for you… and you wonder how it could have gotten so late.. better start dinner.. lol happens
i often say im going to clear off my table, and then start looking at this or that.. and get distracted.. and your dear hubby seems like mine.. and what makes you happy makes him happy :)
heres wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season… filled with love and laughter
and pstt…. scout was sticking his tongue out lol
Yes, Don is great that way – clearly, your husband is too!
I’m in “my room”, staring at the boxes of Christmas cards and assortment of tchotchkes that I picked up from the antique mall today…and the dresser in this room is in the middle of a snowman arrangement that isn’t quite right yet. There’s two big boxes of Christmas decorations in my living room with a lot of the decor all over the coffee table until I decide where it’s going to go. Yep, I’m in the middle of creative clutter, too. :-)
And isn’t it a neat place to be?
Creative clutter is good..takes some planning..:)