I took a walk through the neighborhood the other day and saw a crow in this tree. Boy, those crows are big birds! I love the contrast of the black crow against the blue sky. I had to work quickly to capture this guy before he flew off again.
I’m trying to keep busy as homesickness has really engulfed me. So I am sewing, then cursing at the results of the sewing, then eating…you get the picture. One month to go.
The winner of the Giveaway is….drumroll, please….Vanessa at Vanilla Lavender! Congratulations, Vanessa! I have already sent you an email. Just get back to me with your address and I will get the Roses sign out to you in the mail.
What a beautiful picture! Congrats, Vanessa! When my dad was a young boy a crow befriended him. The crow used to say, hello Joe. Joe probably passed on and the crow was looking for a new friend. My dad’s grandmother didn’t like the fact that the crow was following my dad. She thought it was a bad omen. My dad is 94 now and going strong!
warmest congrats to vanessa.
claudia, just think that one month from now, you will be back home at MHC. enjoy the sunshine in CA – i’m guessing it may be gray and dreary in NY today because it is in RI. i am having a tough time staying away from the ol’ chips ahoy. oy.
hang in there.
I love that photo. Congratulations Vanessa! Oh Claudia, I think of you often. Though I am fascinated by your occupation, I truly don’t know how you do this long distance commute. I can’t wait to see some of the pretties you’ve sewn. xo rachel
Cool crow! Congrats, Vanessa!! I know she’ll love the goodies!
I love the crow, we grow them big here in Florida. I see them all the time, very beautiful. You will be home with your babies soon, all three of them. I love you and am sending you positive thoughts.
XO, Mere
Happy thought to Vanessa! She’s going to love your gifts!
Crows grow big here in Alabama too!
Noisy birds they are too!
Claudia! I’m so happy! Thank you again for gifting me with this lovely rose sign. Yay!!! Thank you! Have a wonderful day! Hugs, Vanessa
That is a great shot! Congrats to the winner of your wonderful giveaway!
I always enjoy your pictures, you’ll have to show us what you’re sewing up too.
Big Congratulations to Vanessa!!
♥ Teresa
Felicitations, Vanessa! That sign will be so charming to have!
Claudia, since I am somewhat new to your blog, I didn’t know that you sewed. Is there any talent that you don’t have??!!
Congratulations to Vanessa! And I lovved the photo you took of the crow. I clicked on it to see it bigger, and that tree is really pretty! I’ve never seen such smooth, shiny bark…
I’m sorry you’re feeling homesick. Hopefully it will pass and the last few weeks will fly by.
So what are you sewing?… Donna