Weather forecast? Rain. If you were to visit Mockingbird Hill Cottage, you’d encounter two adults valiantly trying to stay positive in the midst of six plus days of almost-constant rain. We have been aided in that quest by watching the first episode of the second season of Grace and Frankie on Netflix and by watching the gloriously talented Adele in concert (aired last night on NBC).
Adele is the real deal, a throwback to the days when a singer would come onstage, plant his/her feet and just sing. No auto tune. No frenetic and distracting dancers in the background. No vocal pyrotechnics that shout, “Look at what I can do!” instead of actually telling a story in song. We love her. She’s modest, funny, and has a voice that is husky and powerful and brave. She writes her own material but I secretly hope that someday she records some old standards because I’d love to hear what she does with them.
I have her first album and now we need to get the second album. Don can’t stop talking about her this morning.
Speaking of singing, Don has a gig with his friend Dan tonight. Fortunately, it happens to be in our little town. I’ll be attending, of course.
Yesterday I worked on the TSP.
Don. Stop reading.
I wanted some stonework along the base, reminiscent of the very old stonework that is the foundation for our circa-1891 cottage. I briefly toyed with making the stonework and even bought a product that I thought would be perfect. It turned out to be not-so-perfect. So I went the much easier route and purchased an embossed-on-paper granite stonework. From Hobby Builders Supply/
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, photos are particularly difficult during these gray, rainy days. This one is a little less than crisp. But you get the idea.
It turns out to be perfectly fine. I like it. And it was fairly quick and easy.
I’m in the midst of painting the deck/porch and today I’ll slap on a coat of varnish.
Arriving in the mail yesterday:
This gorgeous rug from Dale’s Dreams. She has an Etsy shop and also sells at miniature shows. I have to say this is the best miniature rug that I have ever seen, and I’m not talking about the pattern, which I love, but about the heft and quality. It looks entirely three-dimensional and there is a backing applied to the rug that gives it weight. A lot of mini rugs – though lovely – are pretty one-dimensional. Many of the rugs in Hummingbird Cottage are one-dimensional. This one is amazing. That’s a splash of red-orange in the middle of the pattern.
Now I’ve moved the other rug over to the recording area, which is where I had always planned to have a rug, a stool, a microphone (if I can ever find one I like) and a guitar. I’m not sure whether this rug itself will make the final cut, but for now, I like it.
That stool came from Hobby Builders Supply. I’m not sure whether I’m going to paint it, age it, or stain it. But this shows you the look I’m going for.
By the way, I’m not at all concerned with the colors being matchy-matchy. Don is a big fan of color so I’m giving it to him!
It’s taking shape, this little project!
Happy Saturday.
So much rain can drive me insane! Glad you are both keeping busy. Big Big fan of Adele for all the reasons you stated. I loved season 1 of Grace & Frankie and will watch the new season soon. It’s cool today but sunny. We have had rain almost every day but not constant. the TSP is looking great and I love the rug. Enjoy tonight and hugs to you.
Thanks, Linda. It will be nice to hear Don and Dan play – they are always so entertaining.
Oh…I love Adele! You described her perfectly! Guess I should check the TV guide …didn’t realize that concert was shown. And the TSP…love that stone work….really looks authentic! That rug looks like it was made for that room….it’s perfect! I was thinking of you and your back forty….the grass must be way past your ankles by now! How much longer is it going to keep on raining? ;)
Oh my god, that grass is so high now! It’s ridiculous! It’s supposed to rain today and tomorrow. I think we get a break on Monday.
The TSP is coming along soooo nicely. Where did you get the paper stone work for the base? Thank you for the links to the other sources. I am building a list and have included the others on your website as well.
Oh, I have to remedy that. Thank you for reminding me Karen. From the same place I got the stool.
The new rug is lovely. Thank you for posting links to the various vendors – I just visited Dale’s Dreams and found the most perfect shabby chic cushions for my garden bench. Wonderful shop!
It is a wonderful shop, Barbara. So glad you found something there!
Rain…stop…the grass is so high. My 4 year old grandchild is stopping for a little visit Wednesday ( she lives in NH) I wanted to hid fake bugs and snakes in back yard for an animal scavenger hunt, but I worry will she find the bugs and will I be able to find her?!?
Oh no! I understand your worry, Mary! Monday looks to be nice and maybe the rest of the week?
The TSP is just fantastic! Great job. We are in our 11th day of no sun. It’s rained days in a row. I’m so sick of it.
I am, too. Enough already!
The stone foundation is perfect, it looks wonderful on the TSP. After 5 days of rain we are “partly cloudy” today but it’s enough to get out and start on the weeds, raking, planting, etc. It’s not hot so it’s a good work day but we keep getting hit with intermittent drops of rain. I just came in here to get a plant to re-pot, so I’m back at it. Your garden will be LUSH when the rain stops! Meanwhile, enjoy Adele, she’s fabulous.
We are, too. But I’m afraid to go and do anything like mowing in case it rains. Maybe I’ll just say ‘what the heck!’ and go mow the back forty.
The garden is already lush, Dana – with weeds!
I, too, am a rabid Adele fan for the same reasons as you. They are the only non-classical albums I own. I had 25, her latest. And for our recent anniversary Noble bought me 19 and 21. So I toodle into work at dawn listening to her and home at dusk doing the same. I never tire of her. And the concert last night was stellar. So charming, real and humble. Her massive talent hasn’t led to her being a diva, the trap of so many singers. Can’t wait for the next album. She’s the real thing.
Don was just saying the same thing last night, Tina – that she isn’t a diva, but is, in fact, so down-to-earth and humble. Love her! Love to you and Noble.
You could have some fun with that stool. I love the ‘secondary’ colors on the color wheel, like the oranges, limes/chartreuses and purples. The TSP is incredible; I’m really loving it. I don’t know what’s going on with me and mid-century all of a sudden, but I’m digging it how did this happen?…after always being more cottage-y. There’s a to-die-for, mid-century home for sale in my town, custom-built for some well-off folks of the day and they’re the only ones who’ve ever lived there. I’m very familiar with its architect. It’s empty of furniture right now, so you get a real feel for its design. Incredible storage and built-in cabinets/cases. A lot of light and windows. Great feeling of expansive space. I’d rip up the carpet; nice, light-colored wood floors. Hip tile colors in the bathrooms. It’s in a beautifully-landscaped, one-acre lot and I could totally see myself living there. Also totally out of my price range but really a treat to see something so historically intact, which served one family so well for 60 years; also, incredibly well-tended home…you could walk right in, move in and do nothing, if preferred.
Adele is still so young; who knows what we’ll still see from her. I’ve had my eye on her since her name started getting known. I don’t like every song she’s done, but I like most of it. She seems like such a charming person. When she sings, you find yourself stopping in your tracks, and she’s brought me to tears more than once. Like you two, I just love her singing so much; the voice is amazing. I was in a store where her CDs were stacked to the side of the counter, so I exclaimed, “Oh, Adele!” And the person behind the counter said, “Who is she?” and this was echoed by the person standing behind me in line who echoed, “Yeah, who is she?” They got a few minutes of comment from me on the subject; I thought ‘everybody’ by now had heard of Adele.
Sorry you’re so inundated with rain; it’s a problem I’d like to share with you here in SoCalif. Wish you could send some my way. When you have endless rain like that, do you have any danger of flooding anywhere near your property?
I’m so surprised that people don’t know who she is! Where have they been? I don’t know if you saw this concert, but I think it’s a re-airing of one she did at Radio City Music Hall last November, just around the time that 25 came out. She was so nervous, and so relieved that the audience liked her new songs that she cried. She said it had been four years since she’d done a concert. Then, at the end, the camera followed her offstage and into an elevator, where she collapsed, sobbing, in a colleague’s arms. That’s why I love her. She’s real.
I am liking mid-century modern too! Who’d have thought? I grew up with it and thought I would never want to have anything to do with it. But the next mini project I want to do involves that style, too. I think I can ‘get it out of my system’ that way!
You know, I was kicking myself in the behind about missing that concert last night but I kinda thought in my head that it might be a repeat; yes, I saw it the first time. LOVED that concert. She is a doll.
Mid-century; you know, the look is so clean. And cottage-y can begin to look cluttered. Do you think we’re just enjoying change? Maybe I’ve just opened my eyes to different styles. But you’re partly to blame! Between the TSP and that other cool house you got at Target!
I think over time, I merged 50s with 60s, and I never liked the space-ship themes, like a Jetsons house, although it’s a fun look, say, in an old-fashioned restaurant or gas station (have seen those in real life).
I’ve always been intrigued with Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater. I’d love to see it. It seems very mid-century to me but of course was built in the 30s.
You’re going to get profiled in a magazine again with the TSP. It seems quite unique to me. Love seeing your vision come to life. The photos are actually just great! Other people besides us readers should see it at completion!
I think we’re enjoying change. I tend toward the eclectic bordering on cottage-y. But if we had another building here – like a life-sized studio for Don, I’d probably go for mid-century modern. It would be a fun contrast and we’d feel like we had options! In the meantime, I’ll live vicariously in the TSP. xo P.S. Hope your arm is feeling better?
I think I told you that some years ago, I did tour Barbra Streisand’s compound in the Malibu hills, which she’d donated to a conservancy. A lot had fallen into disrepair; I guess it’s a money issue. (I think it all changed; something about the state selling it, but it can’t be developed; I dunno, have lost track, but glad I got to tour it all those years ago when I did.) Barbra had really indulged herself; I think it’s widely known she’s ‘into’ architecture/design with wide-ranging tastes. On this property, she had several houses, probably the star of which was completely authentic art deco (I remember Lalique glass); another house was very whimsical, like a gnome’s house, as if (to me) it was growing out of a tree trunk. You could just imagine, when she’d lived there, how meticulously maintained it all would have been…but, how fun, to be able to have stand-alone, signature houses, embracing your favorite dreams/looks.
Well, as evidenced by my embarrassing amount of comments on your posts lately (I apologize again for not being able to speak concisely; I have no talent to express well in few words; I’ll try to cut it down, truly; I’ve promised that before!), I’m clearly able to keyboard and I’d say, after a week of hell, that my arm is somewhat better. For the first time last night, I was able to somewhat-properly brush my hair but lifting the arm away from my body is hard and it’s also difficult to raise it above my head. I’m on a lot of heavyduty ibuprofen, prescription-grade. This is going to be a longer haul to get to normal. Extremely frustrating; limiting. I’ve tried driving; that’s no fun either. I am never lifting a 20-lb sack of birdseed EVER again! Thanks for asking. Have a nice rest of the day. Did you see Susan Branch has a new post up, beginnings of her book tour? I love it when she sends photos from the road. You’ve also done a great job of that when you, or you and Don, have been out and about. For those of us on an opposite coast, it’s so interesting to see the different locales.
But, Claudia, again, do you worry about flooding right now? Are you guys relatively safe with all this rain? Especially if you get even more?
We have two rivers near us – one right across the street. But we’ve never had flooding. And we’re up on a little hill, so I think we’d be okay.
My husband thinks it’s funny but it’s not…..three times today I tried to do something in the yard. And three times I had to come back inside because the rain started again. What a week it has been weatherwise.
Saw a commercial on tv last evening for Anastasia and thought of you!
Oh, how exciting! It has now moved onstage and is in tech rehearsals, which, since it’s such a huge show, will take a while.
Claudia, I agree about Adele. I thought she sounded like the singers who did not need all the fancy equipment assist. I hope when you give don his gift, you get pictures of his happy face. I love everything you have done. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
I will get pictures, Susie. I promise!
the tsp is so amazing You really have a talent for .that. I always wish I could shrink down to fit in your creations
May I ask a question? The modern dollhouse you got at target- did it come with anything or was it completely bare? I have been looking at it online and I cant tell by their description Hope you don’t mind me asking
Hope the weather clears up so you can get outside :)
It came with a plastic kitchen (cupboards, refrigerator, island, etc.) The other furniture apparently is sold separately. I didn’t use the kitchen but it does come with it, Sue.
I’m so enjoying the way the TSP is coming along. you have an amazing imagination. I would never be able to think of, or put together the various things you have an make something so perfect.
I’m sorry about your weather. We have been having beautifully perfect weather for days now. I’m just waiting for the other “shoe to drop” and it to turn it’s usual nasty May weather with cold and rain. Meanwhile, we spent the night at the lake last night and had sunny and 80 degrees today. Our daughter is not happy with the rain in your area either. She said she’s going to need a hay mower to cut their lawn if/when it ever stops!
It finally stopped raining today and tomorrow we’ll start mowing – I know it’s going to take a long time to get through all that long grass, Betsy!
Loving the touch of stone outside and the gorgeous rug inside…I hope you had fun watching Don and Dan perform tonight…Adele’s voice is so beautiful…
I ended up staying home because I just needed some quiet time – with Don’s blessing (it was his idea). I’ve heard them at this venue two other times. It was good. I needed it.
Your 1960’s pad is coming along just beautifully! I love the rug and will head over to Dale’s Dreams. I have found such good dollhouse resources on etsy. Our sunny days have ended and we have headed back into the dark and cloudy days. Great reading weather though and I am currently reading Alexander I ~ the tsar who defeated Napoleon, in preparation to re-read War and Peace. I was encouraged to do so after reading Pat Conroy’s , My Reading Life. I hope your rain ends soon. I understand the feeling of being cooped up and not being able to play in the garden.
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Pat Controy’s book, as well as Susan Hill’s book on the same subject, have loads of great suggestions for reading material!
I want to move into the TSP! Soooo fun! I just love it, Claudia. Can’t wait for Don to see it. :-)
Hoping I can get this posted before I lose your site again.
Thanks, Sheila!
Love dale’s dreams! I have that same rug, and you’re right about its perfection in every way. :D The project is really turning out wonderfully!
Thank you so much, Brae. That means a lot!