Happy day before Christmas Eve! I completely forgot to display this Santa until this morning. And that would have been a shame, as he is absolutely beautiful. My mom gave Don and I a few of these large Santas over the years – I think there is another one in the shed. Note to myself: go get it.
This Christmas, especially, I want to honor my mom. She will be spending Christmas in the nursing home. It will be the first Christmas in 66 years that my parents haven’t woken up together on Christmas morning. My dad has been decorating her room and he will spend much of Christmas day with her. He decided not to decorate his condo. When you’re alone and your beloved wife is not by your side, decorating loses its appeal.
Isn’t the detail incredible?
Don isn’t feeling well. He had chills last night, so I tucked him in with an afghan and my childhood quilt (my grandma made heavy quilts.) He’s not up yet.
He’s mad at himself for letting me open my iPhone early. He says he should have stood up to me, been firmer. I know he wants to buy a couple of small presents so I have something to open on Christmas morning, but if he doesn’t feel better, that might not happen. Present opening may be confined to Don and the dogs!
Lots of movie watching yesterday: White Christmas in the afternoon and two of The Thin Man series in the evening. Love some William Powell and Myrna Loy – they had such great chemistry. Plus, the series was shot in the 30’s, so there are beautiful Art Deco sets and fabulous clothes. And the wonderful dog, Asta, played by a dog named Skippy in real life. Skippy was a popular dog in the thirties; he worked in lots of movies, including one of my favorites, The Awful Truth.
Can you tell I love old movies?
If they took my ridiculously long list of cable channels away, and let’s face it, I’m usually complaining that there is nothing worth watching on television, I would be fine if only I still had Turner Classic Movies. Is it possible to subscribe to only one cable channel? I sure would save a lot of money.
I’m making my list of things to buy at the grocery store. Don has to work on Christmas Eve, so I will spend the time baking our Christmas Coffee Cake and a pumpkin pie.
How are your preparations going?
Maybe I will try an old christmas movie! I never watch old movies. YOu make me want to try…thanks for that. Hope Don feels better and have fun with your new iphone. My sister told me hers is wrapped up under the tree!! I said, why??? Use it now!!! haha, so I think it is fine you opened yours.
I love old movies, too. It is just NOT Christmas at our house until we’ve seen “White Christmas”!
You can’t subscribe to only one channel, but if you ever lose your cable, Netflix has tons of old classics.
Give Done lots of attention, hot tea with honey and lemon, and foods full of vitamin C. I’d also suggest rubbing him down (especially the bottom of his feet) with Vicks or Mentholatum, but most men won’t stand for that.
Turner Classic is my favourite channel too. Hope Don feels better after a good rest. Merry Christmas.
Dear Claudia,
your Santa is wonderful, and has such warm memories attached! What an adorable gift to give. I’m dreaming to have one of those, and maybe I’ll make one for next year. This time, with the move and all the rest, I had no time at all.
Have a magical, Merry Christmas.
Monica xoxo
P.S Will say a prayer for your Mom and you and your family tonight. ((((hugs))))
Everything is going well here, Sugar. Have a Merry Christmas!
So I get my “The Bishop’s Wife” DVD in the mail the other day and I go to watch it and the friend that set up all my audio/video equipment neglected to output the signal to the TV. I have to buy an HDMI cable before I can see it.
Merry Christmas!
I am so enjoying the Christmas movies, too, Claudia. Even the new ones…Lifetime really has some good ones and I could watch one after another!
We have one more Holiday event to go to and then it is Christmas with just my immediate family. I am looking forward to that!
Sorry to hear that your husband is sick…I hope he feels better soon.
Happy Holidays to you! :-)
Claudia, wishing you and Don a Happy Merry Christmas!
I actually don’t have to prepare much this year. We will have Christmas Eve at Christie’s and she is cooking. Christmas day we are at home alone for the first time all 4 of us will do nothing! Watch movies and eat. I am looking forward to it, a lot. I hope Don feels better soon. Ciao Rita
I am watching White Christmas again right now!
Blessing to your Mom and Dad, how sweet he decorated her room.
Merry Christmas to all your family.
Merry Christmas to you and Don. How blessed your Mom and Dad have been to have all these years together.
We watched a new movie last night–Christmas in Handcuffs. Very cute! It starred Melissa Joan Hart and Mario Lopez–made this year. Got all of my baking done. Going to my brother’s house so just taking pie, cake and the iced tea. Yay!
Sorry to hear that your mom and dad are parted for this Christmas. My parents are getting to that place as well, though not quite there yet.
Merry Christmas and I hope Don feels better for Christmas!
Christmas prep going very smoothly here. Just need to purchase two online e-gift certificates and we are done! Merry Christmas… hope Don rebounds and feels better by tomorrow.
Your dad sounds like a pretty good man to be decorating your mom’s room. Sorry to hear your guy is ill and I hope he recovers in time for both of you to enjoy Christmas. I watched an old movie online the other night (Classic Cinema Online) called “Holiday Affair” with Robert Mitchum and Janet Leigh. (1949) I like old movies; maybe I should be getting the channel you mentioned. :)
-Karen ❆
My husband was sick with chills too a couple of days ago. He got lots of sleep and bounced back. I hope Don does too! As I type this I am watching “Holiday Inn”. Our company is on their way back to Florida and after running for a few last things this morning I am curled up with a blanket over me reading blogs and watching TCM. I plan on not doing much else the rest of the day! ~Hugs, Patti
Dear Claudia, wishing you and family a very beautiful christmas time and may your hearts be filled with long lasting joy and peace.
Sending lots of hugs to you and your parents.
maria cecilia
Oh, I hope that Don will feel better soon. My sister and her entire family are sick too. There is an awful bug going around our part of the world.
Your holiday decorating is very pretty Claudia.
Merry Christmas!
Claudia~Wishing you a beautiful Christmas & a Happy New Year!
Hi Claudia,
I am so glad that your Dad is able to spend Christmas Day with your Mom. I know this has to be hard.
I’ve been there and understand.
I love the Thin Man series too and also the old Boston Blackie series and Topper. I could go on.
I’m an old movie junkie too.
I hope Don gets to feeling better.
I wish you both a very merry Christmas.
I honestly don’t like TV, and watch very little. Hate the commercials! But, I do love old English movies and TV series, so Netflix instant view is my bestest pal. I adore your Santa. The detail is beautiful. Glad you remembered him. Have a blessed Christmas my friend. ♥
Well, as you know, I’m fixing to sit right here. Went from my pjs to a gown after my evening shower though!
Hope your Husbnad feels better soon. Just made a huge pot of chicken noodle soup here to try and boost everyone’s immune system! Wish I could bring your some! :)
I always love to look at the mirrors,wall sconces,dishes and chandy’s when watching the TMC! I think I was born a few decades too late!
I hope you have A Merry Christmas and my prayers are with your parents as they celebrate theirs in new surroundings..I know it has to be hard for them.
I have TCM on almost 24/7. I love old movies. I also have a great collection on dvd.
Christmas eve will be spent at my mil’s house. Then we will come back here with my kids and have our Christmas. Too many places to go to get it all in.
I also love the Thin Man series and watched two of them last night. The sets and the costumes are part of the reason I so enjoy watching them. The little Scottie dog neighbor who was visiting Mrs. Asta was a treat for me to see, too. :)
I hope your husband is feeling better and that you have a wonderful Christmas together.
Oh Claudia, your Santa is exquisite! It would have been a shame to miss putting him out.
I’m so sorry to hear about your parents. Hubby and I have gone through that with our parents, and it’s so hard. All four of our parents are gone now, and it is never felt more than at the holidays. Cherish each and every precious moment.
Hubby and I are both coming down with something too, maybe this is the year to be sick for Christmas. lol I hope Don gets feeling better.
Sending wishes for a wonderful and peaceful Christmas!
Hugs, Debi
I’ve just got a wee bit of shopping left to do tomorrow and a couple cookies to put together. Your Santa is a beauty! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and hoping Don feels better and your parents are able to feel the joy of the season!
I am enjoying all the same movies you are, just in different time zones.
poor Don, I hope he does not get the creepin crud I have. It is still beating me down something fierce.
Enjoy the day no matter the gifts or the degree of celebration. Just being with those you love is heaven. My heart tugs a bit at your sweet dad’s new reality.
It WAS Christmas eve’s eve.
Would you believe that I am finally at an age when the daughters do it all? They tell me to just make the candied sweet pototoes and they will be happy. Yep. I just play with my little home, decorate and plump pillows.
It’s all almost over and it’s been so much fun! Where did the time go? Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
What a nice blog you have!
Merry Christmas!
I wish You and Don a Merry Christmas!
xxx Liz
Ps. That Santa is awesome :)
Me too! Old classic movies are the best!! Loved the Thin Man series.
Wishing you and your loved ones, pups too, a very Merry Christmas.
Hope Don is feeling better soon!
I love your Santa too. I’m sad reading about your parents being separated, but how sweet he’s decorating her room at the nursing home. It could be a prequel to a movie. As the man’s unwrapping the ornaments a flashback to their first Christmas together. I’m glad to hear he’s better.
And BTW, I’m terrible at keeping secrets & waiting so we are allowed to open 1 gift on Christmas Eve.