I’m in a somewhat surly mood – just being honest with you, my friends. Yesterday was cold and cloudy all day long and both Don and I were rather down. We were also restless. The new puzzle is impossibly hard and I got very frustrated with it. The temps are going down to freezing Friday and Saturday nights. And now, we might get some slushy snow on Friday night into Saturday.
What’s next? Locusts?
This means we have to haul in all the potted and hanging plants, including the very heavy vintage pots, and keep them inside for at least two days. I’ll have to cover the geraniums in the barrels as they can’t be transported. And I’ll move the pansies to the porch and cover them -they’re cold weather plants, but I don’t want wet snow to fall on them. All of the trees are leafing out. I feel like I’m going to be out there at midnight shaking snow off the trees and plants.
It’s not that it never happens but according to my local weather, the last time it happened here was once in the eighties. The average temperature here for this time of year is 71.
Anyway, I’m over it. I’m over Trump (of course, that happened long ago). I’m over protestors who haven’t the sense that God gave them. I’m over this virus and the tragic loss of life. I’m over governors who are too ignorant to understand (or simply don’t care) how dangerous it is to open too early. I could go on, but you get the picture.
Don and I are fine, though we sometimes get mildly irritated with each other. It’s only to be expected, after all, we’re together 24 hours a day. The good thing is that we laugh at our irritation and then it disappears.
The freezing temperatures and the potential snow just sent me over the edge, that’s all.
In the meantime, it’s going to be in the sixties today and sunny. Go figure. So, we’ll finish mowing.
I’ll be better tomorrow.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
I feel for you. It seems so difficult to keep a positive attitude. I never used to have to work at it so much. I haven’t purchased any flowering plants yet as it has been so cold. We have to pick up 200 beach grass plants that we ordered from our local conservation district tomorrow. That would be fine except that it is supposed to snow an inch or two. What a crummy welcoming those little plants will get. We have to plant them within a few days so I hope it gets better fast. I’m.glad you mentioned being mindful a bit ago. I find myself thinking about that and refocusing a few times a day.
Love you,
Love you so much, Eileen! We’ll help each other stay positive. It sure is hard sometimes, isn’t it? xoxo Stay safe.
That lovely light shining on your miniature home makes me think you need a break from puzzles! Maybe work on your miniatures when the weather is stinky. Hope it clears up soon and you can get back into your gardens. Some days I wish I could pull the covers over my head and just stay in bed! Glad you are working through it and can share your feelings with us so we know we aren’t the only ones feeling this way some times. Stay safe, Claudia!
Thank you for your kind words, Ellen. Stay safe!
There, there. Let it out, let it all out.
Thanks for the hugs, Anne. Stay safe!
I had one of those downcast days yesterday. Everything seemed just overwhelming. My daughter lost her job because of cutbacks. I broke a molar which is proving extremely painful. My co-worker and I are afraid for our jobs and are worn out searching for seemingly non-existent cleaning supplies in our efforts to keep the office safe.
But I woke up this morning to the sound of the birds and a more optimistic outlook. The dental office called to say they can offer emergency help. My daughter’s contacts offered some useful leads, so she is online applying for jobs. My co-worker found Clorox wipes at the hardware store.
Stay strong. The day will get better.
Oh no! I’m so sorry about your tooth and your daughter’s job and your own job worried. Thank you for your kind words, Barbara. Thinking of you. Stay safe.
I thought about you and Don the other day when the forecast for snow in your area was told. Bless your heart, you had just planted your pretty plants and were so excited. It seems there isn’t much we can count on to be consistent these days except the the things we don’t want to stay the same. I worked with a pathologist once that always said ” and this too shall pass”. I keep reminding myself of that. I hope your flowers will be alright as we all need something to enjoy and nurture during these difficult times. Stay safe and as always thanks for all you share.
I think everyone who lives in the mid-Hudson Valley expected the snow to be in the mountains. That’s what usually happens in Spring. Thanks, Janet. Stay safe.
to barbara w …
after reading your first paragraph, i said a prayer for you all. after reading your second paragraph, i said “thanks, God!”
glad today is better, brighter for you.
will keep praying. and i’ll try looking for bleach wipes at a hardware store (thanks for the tip)!
kathy in iowa
hey … after reading other comments, i re-read my own (above) and it kind of sounds like i was saying God instantly answered my prayer for you. that’s not what i was intending! i was, in my tired state, trying to acknowledge God’s goodness and that He is always with and for us.
i really need to re-read things before posting or wait until i’m not tired. sorry!
kathy in iowa
Kathy in Iowa,
My daughter and I are usually pretty stoic – perhaps it’s something to do with being prairie born and raised. These are anxious days though and there are moments when I really could use a little prayer. You are a lovely person and I thank you for your kind thoughts.
hej, barbara w. :)
thanks for your kind words.
i can relate to being stoic. i don’t want my troubles be a burden for anyone, especially my family … but i know it’s good to let things out so i do. i am glad if you and everyone else has good support and an outlet for feelings, especially during these tough times.
and i will gladly keep praying for you and your family!
hope you have an easier weekend.
kathy in iowa
Surly. Good word. It certainly describes my mood, too. But I’m working on it. Working on it. Working on it.
Me too. But it’s hard. Stay safe, Shanna.
So sympathise. My darling husband of 50 years is unfailingly cheerful which can be a real pain in the tonsils. You need someone to moan with sometimes. Your last sentence is the crucial one though and thank goodness for that. Thank you for your unfailingly interesting blog….. two unfailinglys in one reply…well three now!
Must get back to my home schooling,I am brushing up my French and German , learning Welsh and Spanish and trying vainly to re-create the small amount of Latin I learned. Only Welsh has any relevance, since I moved here from Scotland a few years ago but it all makes the time pass and I have nothing left to clean. Keep safe and keep jigsawing.
Keep up with your language studies, Megan. Good for you! Stay safe.
We all have those days. And it really sucks when you and your partner feel that way at the same time!
Sunny days always life the spirits don’t they? We are supposed to get cold weather and snow flurries too.
Not usual weather for May but not so unusual either.
We can get frosts up until Memorial day. I think it’s because we are so close to Lake Mi. It keeps us a little warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.
Station Eleven may have been a bad choice to read during a pandemic, lol! I’m about 2/3 through and it’s gotten a bit more interesting. I am committed to finishing it now.
Our jigsaw puzzle is very hard too. Each piece is lettered on the back so you know what section it goes in. It’s so tempting to look, but so far we have only “cheated” a couple times.
Just heard on the news that a valet to Trump has tested positive. Is it wrong to feel a little happy about that?!
Take care, stay safe.
Glad you’re keeping on with Station Eleven, Marilyn.
Hmmm. A valet tested positive…Interesting news!
Stay safe, Marilyn.
I’ll say it’s wrong at all, Marilyn, because it’s so impossible not to.
Not wrong. Not wrong.
Those on the front lines of the COVID19 battle experience the cruelty of this disease. COVID does not play politics, nor does Christ’s light shine brighter in our lives in the moments when we feel happy because of another’s ill fortune.
Please continue to pray protection over everyone.
R. – Clearly, no one here wishes ill health on anyone. This is just a way of releasing tension and fear when the world seems to be out of control. We all pray for everyone.
I hope you and your husband are well. Please keep us informed, if you are okay with that. I worry about you.
sorry your day and weather forecast aren’t so good, but glad you and don can laugh and have enjoyable things to do when you can’t get outside (which i know is a favorite thing of yours). i hope your day gets easier and that you soon feel happier. i know you’ll figure out that puzzle soon, too.
thanks for sharing, always, and especially when things feel/are tough … good to let that out! sending an air-hug … ( )
my negative for the day was seeing on the news this morning how close our governor sat next to the president (neither wearing masks, of course), smiled and said things are getting better. no, they are not! our state has gone from # 34 in the country for total number of confirmed cases to now being # 21 … yet she has opened up so many, many places. i know the governor has a lot of pressure, but i don’t understand that choice of livelihoods over lives – ever – and especially not when the numbers here continue to rise, not enough people have been tested or practice social distancing … ):(
having another “groundhog day” here, too. the best parts will be after i get off work at 4:00 pm and can see some of my family members (i park out front and stay in my car while they are at the door so we truly can see each other as we talk on our cellphones from a safe distance), then go home, take a shower and continue with projects (i am on a roll!) in my little abode.
stay safe and well! and here’s to better days … may they get here soon!
kathy in iowa
I agree. Your governor’s actions are reprehensible. She has chosen ignorance and money over people – the people she is supposed to protect.
Stay safe today while you’re working, Kathy –
Dear Claudia et al, The thing is that it is totally understandable that a person would be grouchy and antsy under these circumstances. Humans are not wired for this. Personally, though, I don’t know if giving in to it helps. I actively seek inspiration when I feel low. Have you watched the new Netflix about Michelle Obama’s book tour? OMG! I have also been watching “Home Restoration” on YouTube. It’s about people who take on restoring various types of historical buildings in the UK, with the idea of living in them when completed. I won’t give anything away, but there is lot’s of drama and historical research.
In honor of Mother’s Day, I have been looking through letters and photos of my mother, who died 4 years ago. It has made her memory that much more vivid. Peace be with you.
Giving in to it is key, for me. I let myself experience it and feel it. Much better than ignoring it. I think it’s healthier – at least for me. If I let myself experience a real emotion, then I’m free to move on. Now I’m going to go out and mow the lawn and that will help.
I haven’t seen the Netflix special about Michelle Obama but I’m definitely planning on watching it!
Stay safe, Leslie.
Although I’ve never commented before, I read your blog every day. Your thoughts and feelings seem to mirror mine. So many times, well, every day really, I read your words and I think wow, that perfectly describes how I’m thinking and feeling. I’m in Delaware and thankfully there is no snow in our forecast but some colder temperatures and winds after some very lovely sunny, warm, seventy degree days. My moods do seem to be closely related to the weather. Take care, Claudia.
Mine are, as well, Penny. I try to rise above it, but let’s face it, during this lockdown, we need sun and spring. Thank you. Stay safe.
We have a freeze warning for Sat night here. It was a lovely day yesterday & went up to 65*. Supposed to be the same today. The sunshine really does help. Our garage looks like a greenhouse. This was supposed to be a planting weekend here. I asked the kids if we could change that to (hopefully) next weekend. And, if it is warm enough then for stroller weather, we may get to see our granddaughter, too!! It is only supposed to be 48* & rainy this Sunday so I asked if we cd do Mother’s Day next weekend instead. I sure hope it will be getting nicer!!
The news and the daily diatribes of the idiot only add to making the days hard to maneuver. I can feel it as my mood crashes several times a day. Every day. It really is a wonder that we all aren’t throwing puzzle pieces or any other things!! I know how you enjoy mowing, so I do hope it brings you some peace today. ♡
We don’t have a garage! So it all has to come in the house and our house is tiny. Glad the kids are willing to change weekends so you can enjoy their company and help in your planting.
What did he say this morning when he backtracked on disbanding the advisory committee? “I had no idea it was so popular!” You mean science? Yes, it is.
Stay safe, Chris.
Another one was when asked why he didn’t wear a mask in AZ he said he did have one on when they were back-stage. But when they went on stage, the people weren’t wearing them so he took his off, too.
OK……….. so the world truly is his stage in his sad little mind. I never knew factories had stages for performance. But, as we have all long suspected, life is a Reality Show to him, and we are his (captive, unbelieving, horror-stricken) audience.
OK, and now the Justice Dept has asked to have the Flynn case dropped. It truly is total insanity.
Yes, I just read that. Barr is doing the pardoning for Trump. He is the most corrupt Attorney General in history.
He also said it wouldn’t look good if he wore a mask. This from a man who wears orange pancake makeup, dyes his hair and has a weave, and can’t put together a coherent sentence.
It is hard to maintain a positive attitude these days for most of us. So when you have to let it out….let it out. I know I do.
We worked outside yesterday, and will again today. Just putzy stuff mostly…weeds, moving plants, and did I mention weeds? We have two major projects that we want to do, and one to finish from last year. So we’ll see what we get done, and what we don’t.
I can’t believe the cold weather that is coming. We are to get 4-5 days of frost/freeze, but so far no snow. But you….Snow? No!! And…that’s a lot of plant schlepping you are going to have to do. No wonder you are surly…I do like that word. It says so much with just five letters. Stay safe! ;)
I am so, so angry at our weather – at the entire spring so far. I think we’ve had maybe three days of sun and warmth. There’s nothing I can do about it, but hope the forecast changes for the better and cover all of my plants. Sigh. Stay safe, Donnamae.
Oh Claudia, you’re SO preaching to the choir!!! At least here in OB we can be outside & have a little break from one another. Most of the time we’re fine, but just somedays are a bit more difficult at times.
Our garden is just spectacular this year & I find myself just sitting around admiring it & all the birds that have found a home in our bushes & trees…
Just hoping soon we can have some sort of a normal life again. I know it’s going to be a long while, but one can only hope!!
Stay safe . Best wishes, Priscilla
Thank you, Priscilla. Stay safe!
I agree with all you posted today. I try hard to keep my faith in God and people. My daughter in law passed in Sept at age 48 and left my son and 2 granddaughters age 21 and 14 and me to miss her so much. Now comes my sons birthday on May 8 and it will be the first time, 51, years that I cannot be with him in person. Then on Mother’s day I cannot be with my mom who will be 97 on May 12 and I cannot be with her then. I think how many more birthdays will she have and it breaks my heart. We all have to get through all this and possibly more before we have some sort of normal again. I enjoy seeing your posts and find some solace in knowing that we are all in the same storm although not in the same boat. I pray daily for everyone who is suffering and have hope that all will end well for everyone. God bless you and Don and keep posting, it makes me feel like I have another friend who cares.
Barbara, I am so very sorry for the losses you have had to bear during this time. Not being able to share your grief with your family, and spend time with your mom, when time is so precious, is more than one can bear. You are spot on saying we are all in the same storm, but each boat is different. Hopefully, if we all row in the same direction it will help. Please know that many of us here with Claudia are thinking of you and sending prayers your way. Take good care of yourself.
I’m so sorry you had to suffer such a painful loss, Barbara – especially poignant this year. Not being with family on Mother’s Day will be difficult for so many people. Bless you and your family this Mother’s Day. You do have a friend who cares – I’d say ‘friends’ because everyone here cares. Stay safe!
to barbara dunnigan …
i am very sorry that you have so many hard things to deal with and i will pray for you and your family.
i am not tech-y so couldn’t begin to set up skype, facetime, zoom, etc. for video conversations so i drive over to family members’ homes, stay in my car and they stand in the doorway/sit on the porch while we talk by cellphone. of course it is no substitute for hugs, sitting side-by-side on the sofa and sharing a meal together, but it’s what we have for now. could you and your son and mother do any of those things? i hope so.
as a Christian, i’ve been thinking what the message is, what God’s purpose is for allowing this pandemic, what good He is working. i don’t have answers to any of that, but i do know God is good always and He is with and for you, your family, everyone else here and around the world.
claudia has created a very caring and safe place here for virtual gathering and sharing about real-life (including the hard parts) and it is full of equally kind commenters … all friends i haven’t yet met. that includes you, too. this isn’t my blog, but i am glad you are here and shared what you did.
i hope you and your family are safe, well and have peace.
a new friend,
kathy in iowa
I feel your pain. Same forecast here. Really hoping it’s wrong!
Did you see the news about “Murder” Hornets? Oy Vey!
Enjoy the sun.
I did. Unbelievable. What else? Stay safe, Betsy!
Hi Claudia, I hear you! And agree. You can just say it nicer than me.
Social distancing is vital to getting through this pandemic and considering the huge losses already, we the people should be grateful that our leaders are taking steps to promote saving lives. It is such a sad thing that many of us see it as “home detention” and feel “the government” is using this as a tactic to gain control over us. The protesting is beyond my comprehension. I want to come and go as I please too, but I do not want anything to do with a ventilator!
This weather just sucks. The woodstove feels wonderful but, I wanna go outside play, oh that’s right, I am going out. I have to cover my tomato plants and bring in my containers.
Believe me, in the privacy of my home I don’t say it nicely at all!
I feel for you having to bring in the containers. I’ll be doing that in a few hours, but I just finished mowing and pruning and I need to rest for a bit. Stay safe, Kelly.
Hello from Michigan. It has been a nice couple of days, very cold at night. Freezing nights next few days as well. jI bring in the pansies, but all my tulips, and perennials, I just can’t worry about anymore. I used to go out and cover everything, which are all scattered around the property. I too am sick of it all, All of it. I get joy out of watching the 4 Baltimore Orioles that visit out feeders with jelly, the ever joyful hummingbirds, and the mama robin next to our porch, sitting in her beautiful nest keeping the lovely blue eggs safe. Nature is my only comfort now. It is a constant in this awful time. I wonder what our new normal will be, and when.
The perennials are everywhere here, I can’t protect them. There aren’t covers large enough for my big garden bed.
Stay safe, Penny.
There is always that moment, at the beginning of starting a puzzle, where you think it will never get done. I tend to start a puzzle, get the edge pieces all together (the easiest bit) and then let it age for a bit until I have back at it.
We have to bring our fledgling tomato plants in the house today, not for the cold but because it is supposed to be in the high 90’s for the next few days! They’ll perish if I leave their tender little selves outside.
The best thing about being married to your best friend is you can be a little cranky with each other and all is forgiven.
That was the problem with this one – the edges were impossible to fit together. I have no way of describing it but that way. I wish you could have seen what I was up against!
Stay safe, Andrea.
though of you when this came up in my facebook feed
Oh, how lovely! I think I’m going to have to get that one, Diana. Thank you! Stay safe.
Dear darling Claudia, you are ALLOWED to have a surly mood. We’re all fighting it. It often becomes hard to stay positive. Covid is a hard test of our patience, our hope; our courage and resilience; everything. We are HUMAN. We’re conditioned to freedom of movement; freedom from fear. There are days when everything just plain sucks.
Who isn’t, from time to time, irritable with anybody they’re living with when crammed inside the house, when we’re just ‘on top’ of one another every single hour of every single day and every single week and now every single month? I was reading something somewhere in anticipation of more crappy weeks ahead and it was saying, with concern, of what it’s going to be like for people in urban areas (city dwellers; inner-city; the concrete jungle) in old apartment buildings with no or substandard air conditioning when they would normally, especially children, be ‘living’ in the public parks where they maybe have water like swimming pools and shade; and a lot of older people live in older houses no matter where they’re located, when a/c has never been installed and perhaps in another instance in summers they would go to a friend’s or even a cooling center somewhere; whereas now, due to Covid, they’ll be scared to go anywhere, trying to do the right thing and follow orders to shelter in place, but we don’t want to have the elderly getting overcome with heat, not hydrating enough [which is not uncommon] and dying in their homes.
Staying home was a necessity and still is, to prevent exposure in the epidemic, but the novelty has worn off and we’re all just over it by now. This is a lot of sustained stress.
Can I just say how pretty, though, is the view from your window in the photo; the sun on the green outside.
I have such the opposite problem in coastal SoCalif. I’ve lost track now of how many weeks of very unseasonably-warm/hot weather when we should still be having nice temps in the 60s and 70s; instead, we’re 80s & 90s much too soon (we got robbed!!), and I’m sure it’ll be 100 degrees again this afternoon as it was yesterday (was already, just now, 92 degrees at 1pm PST). My geraniums are fried; my roses wilted. Maybe it’ll pop out the blooms on the purple jacaranda trees all over town but, in the meantime, we’re really even struggling to keep this old house cool enough with its years-ago converted a/c (it’s 25-year-old equipment/parts), at least in THIS much heat although of course I’ve known it to get up to 110 here (rare) and I pray that’s not where we’re headed; the forecasters thought we might return to some semblance of May Gray (marine layer) next week, which will be a welcome change (if it happens; big if).
Surely if you get snow in these next hours upcoming, it’ll come and go fast. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! I can see how frustrating and disappointing to have to temporarily un-do some of your very-recent and hard work in the yard!
Thanks for understanding, Vicki. It looks like we have extreme weather on both sides of the country. Too much heat for you, far too early in the year. Too much cold and snow for us far too late in the year. The weather guy said this is a once in every 25-50 years weather event.
Today we mowed and I started pruning the boxwood which seemed to take a hit from this past winter. I’ve never seen it this brown on the exterior. Maybe too many weather extremes? We sure had them this year.
2020 sucks. There, I’ve said it.
Stay safe.
Sorry you have had a bad day. Perhaps donate the puzzle. When I come upon one that is just frustrating, I do that. I took a bag to church one day, and my friends loved them. I keep a few to do again and again. The weather here in Indy is not spring like either. When I lived in WV and Ohio, we planted after Mother’s Day in one area and after Memorial Day in another…just too cold until then. I feel for you. This is not a great time for this weather. Take care and enjoy your puzzles…hope you get another one you really like…hope you are enjoying reading…
Oh, I’m not ready to donate it. I’ll try it again another time. I had two more puzzles on order and they arrived today.
Thanks, Brenda. Stay safe!
It’s beautiful today but chill and windy and tonight below freezing again. I’m doing the same as you but most of my stuff is in seed trays or smaller pots still. I would feel your pain. They are muttering about snow over the weekend but I’m hoping it blows north. Or south.
That gorgeous puzzle looked like it might be a real challenge. All good wishes to you on that!
I’m hoping it’s just snow flurries. That would be okay. Thanks, Jeanie. Stay safe!
Hey, friend. Chin up — Trump’s valet (can’t be what I imagine) has the virus!!! Fingers crossed. LOCK HIM UP!!!
Stay safe, Chris.
Oh, Claudia, you are on the roller coaster ride after you’ve come down, you are in the dip and it seems like never before the happiness of the ride can come again. My life these days is like that. In fact, I had a day very similar to yours today just yesterday. I didn’t have the energy to even get mad about it all. So, I sat in a comfy chair, under a blanket that was under a cat, reading – on three separate intervals during the day. Today, my energy returned and yours will too. The secret is that we acknowledge it and know it will pass.
My region – Finger Lakes has passed all but 2 of the requirements to begin opening and those are supply based not preparedness. As soon as we get the testing and antibody supplies at the right level, we can move to the next level. Encouraging We received 2 emails from the college today laying out the scenarios for the Fall. All had students on campus. Another encouraging sign.
Baby steps. You are doing great, Claudia!
It sounds like you handled your day very nicely, Carol. I’m glad you’re doing better!
Stay safe, my friend!
Claudia, I so understand your mood. We’ve all been there lately. There are days I can hardly muster the energy to give a damn about, well, anything. This cold weather (freeze warnings here in SE WI) is getting old and hoping for minimal damage in the garden beds. Was able to stand in the yard and yell across at the neighbor this afternoon. We were both in crappy moods so good to find someone to commiserate with. My husband is the “suck it up” type and after almost 36 years together I sometimes have trouble dealing with it not to mention keeping my mouth shut about how I really feel about that theory.
Take care.
Tonight it might go down to 31. What will happen to all the plants emerging from the soil? I can’t cover everything so I’ll just pray everything is okay. Thanks so much for understanding. Stay safe.
Claudia – I have to share this with you. On May 5, 1977, I gave birth to my daughter just south of Boston. 5 days later, it snowed and we lost our electricity and heat! We went to my parent’s house for a few days. My poor husband didn’t know what to do! But our spring peas survived. These are challenging times and we can only hope that things really get better and we can have a life of some sort soon. Love your blog ! A joy to read every day.
Oh my goodness! What a story, Ellen! I’m hoping everything survives as the temp is predicted to go down to 31! Stay safe, Ellen.
I thought of you and Don as soon as I heard about the polar vortex heading your way. After the nursery trips, too! Just when some warm weather would help your outlook, winter returns. Ack.
We could use some polar influence to discourage the protestors in our neck of the woods. It’s always something.
Stay safe and snuggle up. I’ll be thinking of you.
Thank you, Roxie! It’s going to be cold, but there are conflicting predictions about snow, how much – if any, and temps. It’s all a bit overwhelming but we’ll do what we can do here. Stay safe!
I was happy to see your dollhouse photo yesterday and hoped your blog might be about dollhouse work. But no. “2020 sucks “ Really ? In 2019 I became a cancer survivor and I must say that puts life in perspective. I have a family, a roof over my head, food on the table, dogs, cat, birds, fish. Despite circumstances, I am so very grateful for all I have .
First of all, I’m so happy you are a cancer survivor. That is a miracle worth celebrating.
Secondly, this is not just a dollhouse blog.
Thirdly, for the over 20,000 people in the United States who have died from coronavirus and their friends and family – among them, one of my friends – it does suck.
For the almost 250,000 people in the world who have died from COVID-19 and their families and friends, it does suck.
I have lost friends to cancer, both of my parents in the past 6 years, and my brother to cancer in 1991. There are people suffering from cancer right now who read this blog.
But when we have a pandemic that kills so many people that it is unfathomable – 2020 does indeed suck. That’s my perspective.
Also, I take offense when you mention being grateful with the implication that because I expressed my feelings about this year so far, I am not. I constantly mention how grateful I am on this blog. All the time. Don and I express gratitude out loud on a daily basis. But I am human. I am allowed to have a bad day. I am allowed to say that what is happening is horrific while expressing my gratitude in almost every post. It is horrific. It does suck. And it will continue to take a toll. Let’s not back off from what is truth for hundreds of thousands of people and health care workers and those who are endangering their lives every day to help others.
My husband and I are living the “front line reality” of the COVID battle and I definitely celebrate your cancer survival along with other readers. Your expression of gratitude are beautiful words to me at this time. We are exhausted, discouraged, and frightened each day. We need to hear words of hope and we take comfort in your positive outcome. Thank you.
It’s disheartening after all your efforts that now your tender plants are threatened by snow…in May!! Nothing makes sense any more. I know how important your green world is to your mental health and I wish you and the flowers good luck.
Thank you, Nora. Everything will be coming inside tonight! Stay safe.
If we were angels we all would have wings. I have good days and I have bad days. I have Girl Scout cookies and I have veggies. The veggies last the longest. And even the angels are taking up drinking and smoking. You two take care.
I’m not eating sugar, but boy, would I love a Girl Scout cookie, Tana! Stay safe.